
ULTIDUO Champions B1


L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
Champions - An Experimental Ultiduo Map

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to another game of Team Fortress 2 Ultiduo!

I like ultiduo as a gamemode. It's fast, competitive, and really fun to watch. More importantly, the maps are the kind of small projects I could do in a weekend.
The last ultiduo map I made turned out pretty okay, so I decided to take it a step further. I noticed that one of the ultiduo maps played in the recent finals were mirrored instead of symmetrically rotated, so I decided to make one that pushed the envelope a bit more.

Welcome to champions, a stadium themed 90-degree mirrored symmetry ultiduo map. Have yet to test, have yet to get feedback, I'm just posting it here to have it uploaded somewhere.


L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
Got some feedback from my man V!s. Here is what he suggested to change:

- Cap time was way too long. Shortened it up.
- Size from point to spawn was too much. Brought spawns closer.
- Ramp near spawn too steep. Pulled out the ramp.
- Ramps near point was too steep. Turned it into a spiral ramp.
- Platform was too hard to get to. Turned it into another spiral.
- Platform needed health kit. Added health kit.
- Ammo hard to get to on point. Totally ghetto'd it.

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
TwinMill updated Champions with a new update entry:

Ctrl+A, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V

"Sometimes you just gotta go with the scorched-earth method"

Ultiduo_Champions had two things: issues and detail. Not a great combination. This mainly happened because I had very limited access to playtesting while I was making this.

So in the interest of my sanity in working with all the curved brushes I decided to wipe the slate clean again.
I built a new stadium on top of the old one using the feedback I got from the previous iteration. So let me go through a few things so...

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
TwinMill updated Champions with a new update entry:

Champions with a little bit of hopeful changes


Ultiduo Champions had at last a few rounds of testing, so I felt confident enough to just make a few adjustments. They are as follows:

Cap point corners:
The capture point had corners on either side and because of the way it was on a slope, it was really easy to just walk up to the point and avoid a lot of splash damage - it made people walking up to the point very hard to hit. I made the point circular and lowered it, while also adding a...

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
TwinMill updated Champions with a new update entry:


Okay dear God this map project is killing me.
So just in case you haven't seen the update logs recently, this is in fact the THIRD time I have rebuilt his map. I hope it is the last time I rebuild it, but given the previous record that's probably very likely.

Anyway, welcome to
The map has been rebuilt with a new central gimmick: a powerup.

In the far back corner there's a big collectable - a "Powerup" if you will...

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
TwinMill updated Champions with a new update entry:


You guys, we did it! We played on the map and nothing was making anyone angry!
What a miracle!

Seriously though, did some edits, and with how it is now I think it's ready to go into beta soon... well at least once I find the time to detail.

- Completely re-did the area farthest from the point. and it's WAY better now. Cool.
- Changed the powerup to just give you crits. It made me sad but it seems to play better because of it.
- Lengthened the spawn time of the powerup

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 2, 2017
TwinMill updated Champions with a new update entry:


Guess what?

We're in Beta now! WAHOO oh boy I have literally never gotten to this stage of a a map before, let alone been this happy with it. I won't say much about it, nothing has really changed except the detailing, which you'll get to see for yourself.
Thank you Tails8521, Rhamkin, Spleep, sweglord227, and aimbot for all the testing! You guys rock.

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Hey hey, make sure to get rid of that capital letter in "Ultiduo_champions_b1", that crashes linux players!!