In that case, your problem is that bots cannot plot a course to the control point, for whatever reason. When this happens, bots will walk in a straight line towards the point, with no regard for walls or other obstacles. Use the cheat command nav_edit 1 and check on the floor where the bots are jumping against the wall. You should see a mesh of boxes that looks something like this:
Each of those boxes is called an "area" and represents an area of the map that a bot can walk. If you don't see that, that means the mesh is missing or the automatic mesh generator missed that area. This can be fixed by covering the floor of the area that doesn't have a mesh with nav_mark_walkable marks, which look like wireframe purple pyramids. Space these every few hundred hammer units. Then use nav_generate_incremental. This should fix that problem.
If that's not the problem, then look for the area(s) closest to the wall in question. Is there a connection through that wall? A connection connects two areas and indicates that bots can move from one area to the other. These connections are denoted by a light or dark blue line. If you see a light or dark blue line that goes through that wall, then follow
these steps to remove the connection: Aim at the first area, use nav_mark, aim at the second area, and then use nav_disconnect.
After any and all changes to the navigation mesh, make sure you use the command nav_analyze to save the mesh and compute certain data that bots need to function well.