
CP Boomerang A5b


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Lain updated Boomerang with a new update entry:


  • Fixed no-entry texture appearing within red forward-spawn @ second point
  • Improved clipping across the map, smoothing out transitions between some problematic doorways.

Second Point
  • Overhauled right flank from mid
  • Fixed a pixelwalk above playable space

- Overhauled full-health cubby at mid

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Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
I probably won't be able to convince you on why I believe the pink lighting doesn't really look right so I will instead give you some skyboxes that could further enhance the environment you're trying to craft


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Lain updated Boomerang with a new update entry:


  • Extended skybox height by 256 in all areas.
  • Decreased purpley-ness of ambient light.

  • Reduced width of spawns by about 96
  • Fixed some errant disabled spawn points.

  • Extended cap zone by 32u to give more leverage over a powerful defensive Sentry spot.
  • Flipped the entrance to cliff from mid.
  • Expanded doorways into lower flank from mid.
  • Clipped the outside edge of cliff.
  • Fixed a displacement gap at cliff.
  • Removed...

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L1: Registered
Jun 20, 2023
i didnt have the time to write u all the nuance in a normal feedback message, so ill write it here.
I have like 1000 hours on medic by now, so i think a lot about positioning. thats why i think there is one spot that doesnt really work for me. This position on the low ground doesnt allow me to support my team on the point. the quickest way on the point leads me closer to blue team tho, which is a horrible place to be. it felt really awkward to play.

so to get on the point instead, i would have to fall back on either the the green or black route. if i take the black route, its too easy for the defending team to catch me isolated. so im forced to take this super long green way. it takes 12 seconds to reposition. thats way too long

the quick and obvious fix would be to add a ramp here. it would also benefit the rest of red team in a pretty obvious way. on top of being able to access the point more easily, i can heal my team mates while using the ramp as cover, by only walking half way up.

if you dont want to add the first orange ramp, you might still want to consider adding it to the other side. it is still a very risky position for medic tho, bc he will be really isolated, and easily flanked. and it feels very counter intuitive to walk that green line as medic, bc it isolates me from my team a little

this is my only suggestion. obviously since youre a more experienced mapper the choice is up to you. but i really think that a change here is needed.


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Lain updated Boomerang with a new update entry:


Playtests are going great, generally a positive reception all-over, but this new test has revealed a few issues with the layout. Mainly that the flow around the second point is problematic, players are finding it hard to find the routes, especially on forward-respawn. To alleviate this, the low-ground area on Second has been opened up, which also provides classes like the Medic and Engineer a good place to stand close to the fight in safety.

The next issue is the final point and back-caps...

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lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
this is my only suggestion.
Oh, I apparently do not get notifications for things posted in my own thread, so I did not see this before posting A4. Thanks for the feedback, and I wholeheartedly agree something needs to happen about the flow there, since I also main medic and felt the same feeling you did with this spot. My solution (without seeing your reply unfortunately) was to widen that area so that it's easier for the attacking team to push in without forcing the medic to sit in that tiny field of splash. I will probably be flipping the ramps as in your images in the next few versions if things don't improve with the changes i've just made. Thanks again for the feedback!


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Lain updated Boomerang with a new update entry:


Last playtest (A5) saw a significant increase in back-and-forth play, especially in defending the finale. The map is now less swing-heavy, and the ramp changes made for a much stronger attacker-sided push into 2nd, but this change stops Blu from easily pushing out of last with any entrance other than the flank and uppers. Which is healthier for the map.
I was unable to update this map on the site due to downtime, but other than the respawn-time advantage being reduced from 3-to-1, there are...

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