Balance Changes


L2: Junior Member
Jul 3, 2016
Yea, in the way the game is balanced right now, if a plat sniper or any very experienced sniper comes on an average community server, it completely ruins the game for the other team. And there's not much you can do about it, because sniping is the only thing snipers are good at, so if you nerf that it affects the viability of the class as a whole.

To me a solution would be to nerf quickscope base damage and buff charge rate, but most sniper mains would be against that because quickscoping is pretty much what makes sniper so good. It'd make snipers more fun to play against, unable to drop a medic at a glance. But there's no way they will change sniper so drasticly at this point of the game's lifetime. Small weapon changes already create outrages, let alone a core class change.


L1: Registered
Jul 5, 2017
At least they are actually taking the time to seek some suggestions before actually changing stuff. Also can't wait to see how the next major update will come along. headphonepit page
I'm also glad they're informing us of any major changes in advance. I hope Valve will continue with this trend in future. I also approve of the new changes.
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