Yes, it's the old favourite arena_donald and the not-so-old-nor-favourite pl_jeanette. Two maps I've grown to dislike over the months.
They're both open for anyone to modify, adapt and do something else so I have a third verb to include in this sentence, although I'm warning you that they both have some rookie-ass mapping mistakes in them (plus Donald has a lot of detail in it so have fun).
Anyway, here you go:
the instances used in pl_jeanette - you may need to stick them in a folder called "instances" (or change the func_instance target, whatever) in order for them to work
I would also have included the VMF for cp_sally but I lost all the files forher it in a hard drive crash a couple of months ago. Oh well.
Anyway, if you need some ideas to get you started, I will say that since pl_jeanette has only two capture points and lacks a climactic explosion at the end, you could perhaps consider adding another stage! I have no ideas for arena_donald though. Sorry.
Oh, and if you decide to turn either of these into a map of your own, feel free to credit me. I won't send hired thugs after you if you don't, though.
They're both open for anyone to modify, adapt and do something else so I have a third verb to include in this sentence, although I'm warning you that they both have some rookie-ass mapping mistakes in them (plus Donald has a lot of detail in it so have fun).
Anyway, here you go:


the instances used in pl_jeanette - you may need to stick them in a folder called "instances" (or change the func_instance target, whatever) in order for them to work
I would also have included the VMF for cp_sally but I lost all the files for
Anyway, if you need some ideas to get you started, I will say that since pl_jeanette has only two capture points and lacks a climactic explosion at the end, you could perhaps consider adding another stage! I have no ideas for arena_donald though. Sorry.
Oh, and if you decide to turn either of these into a map of your own, feel free to credit me. I won't send hired thugs after you if you don't, though.
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