
ARENA Arakawa b3

Sep 1, 2009
In some sense I feel honored that someone would take their time to decompile my map and edit themselves, however you still should of waited for my reply to the messages as it kinda feels like someone has ripped apart my favour item and glued it back together using ducktape and hotglue D:
Although Arena gets old fast I made the map as in a sense a mapping exercise to improve my own skills.
Although I enjoy the 'popularity' on the Saxton Hale gamemode I do wish you would of waited for my answer.

I have given permission for this to be uploaded but have also given conditions that must be followed eg Crediting everyone whom needs crediting including the model/material makers etc, and others. Overall I feel some what saddend by the unathorised decompile of my map, i could of done the changes myself , and used a much more updated version which would of been alot better than the b1a most common in vsh, however In all my emotions are best described like this using a quotation from Terry Pratchett:

"Things just happen. What the hell?"
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Poor Arena Mode. Poor poor Arena mode. Its maps only get played in odd, gimmicky mods : /

There should defiently be an "Community Arena Map" update...

As I totally agree with this statement.

Arakawa and Backlot for official 2011


L3: Member
Jun 22, 2009
I love Arena mode but I had to stop running it. There just wasn't enough interest anymore and I couldn't use Quickplay to bring in any players. : / Gotta give Valve credit, they made a handful amount of maps and brought in some nice customs. But the community just didn't like it. They need to tweak some of the long standing bugs, but I think they are done messing with it.
Sep 1, 2009
After all the huss and fuss I have some good news. Hopefully I will have B4 out by the end of the week :3
Sep 1, 2009
Apparently Children I was involved in making one of the _event maps for the final page day of the "Night of the living update." I swear I never made this edition of Arakawa but apparently it just appeared already haunted D:
Along with 9 other spectaularly ghoulish maps it makes quite the experience.

Final day page :

Download link:

Now for some pictures to numb that sharp jagged pain in your back, that you have just felt.




Also I have been told by some total stranger to remind you that feedback for the _event can be left here.
Sep 1, 2009


L2: Junior Member
Jul 19, 2010
looks goood! should update the pictures on the front page a bit!