I may start writing some blurbs after new versions to collect my thoughts and ask for help in solving the map's problems. As you might be able to tell by now, I'm no good at interpreting or predicting how a space will play. I have been trying to address as much major feedback as I can every version, but I'm usually not sure of how to correct them.
A6 was tested today on the EU server and there are a couple people who feel the map is more chaotic than ever despite my efforts to simplify routing. It still suffers from sniper sightlines and now it seems defenders pushing into the attacker's connectors is a problem.
I sent a6 to
@Defcon before releasing and made a few changes on his advice. One major change I did not incorporate at the time was completely removing the mid side building 1st floor and terraining it, essentially opening the whole area up. He still maintains this is a good idea, I just can't envision how it will play out or even how best to design the space without making it a deathtrap for attackers.
I have spent a long time in this version and in those previous mulling over how best to design the lobby space; kinda the whole area from the red line back in the picture below. Obviously still haven't nailed it and I'm just at a loss of what to try next.