Year after year, posters have been spotted everywhere, constantly mentioning "Visit Slime Girl Island" everywhere you went, be it Lethargy Pools, Tower Of Power, or even Manor Of Mischief! They were always there, plastered across the walls... Teasing of a place that might or might not even...
I am dedicating this thread to Textures that you might have in your Materials Folder that are on the weirder/questionable & or funnier side of things
I am looking forward to what everyone brings to the table!
Somewhere near Tower Of Power, a big hole opened in the ground, revealing a strange void with a big storm inside it, and within that storm lies a restless plaza...
There are lots of new strange areas to explore, new and old returning characters to meet, and new collectibles/secrets to find...
ethosaur submitted a new resource:
Lethargy Pools - A new weird map for TF2, featuring strange massive rooms with pools and other peculiar locations.
Read more about this resource...
My newest map for TF2, Lethargy Pools! A sort of sequel to "Ennui Box", and in fact, even features Ennui Box in view too, though it is currently closed.
There are a lot of secrets to find, new green headcrabs to discover, and lots of easter eggs, paths and rooms to find, so get out there...
I had a weird dream a bit ago that inspired me to make this map, it was some weird L shaped, big box, with weird rooms and stuff inside it, I liked the idea enough to try recreating it as another "weird" TF2 Map.
I ended up adding a lot more room to it, and eventually started expanding areas...
I made this map in a week and it was fun to make. I stole a lot of textures from deltarune but I still had to customize them, Let me know if you like it and maybe my next one will be better
oof a description.
so the trigger_hurt and the func_flagdetectionzone go over the whole map.
the ctf flags and flag capture zones are set up normally.
the timer can be set to whatever, but make it short.
so its ctf but every 20 seconds the guys holdin either flag die...
The BLU and RED mercanaries have been invited to come relax at some suspicious "hotel resort" without knowing each other will be attending! They will not be happy to see eachother... Probably...
Just another silly map by me, I made this one for fun in the last two weeks or so, its actually...
Even we need to go shopping sometimes... Even if the mall is... rather strange.
Just another weird map by yours truly, basically made for fun, there is nothing else to it really, hope you enjoy either way.
This is an early version of the map, and may have some issues associated with it, I may...
Please Note, this is a4_preview of the map, which is not currently functional in basic gameplay as red spawns in a flying ship far away from the action currently, if you want a playable map, please use A3, which is bundled inside the download as well
Additionally, this map has only been tested...
WELCOME... to the TOWER OF POWER... yet another weird TF2 map by me, made in an absolute stupor, in the past week, originally meant to upload on april fools, but missed deadline sadly.
Anyway, the TOWER OF POWER! Its time to climb it, and witness... some strange things. This tower goes high...
A more stable, and fixed version of manor_of_fun, this one should work on bigger servers, with more players and mods/plugins.
The old manor, was unfortunately made at a time, where I didn't know how to optimize that well, and the entity limit was already almost full, so it often ended up in...
Old exploration/hangout map I made long ago, this is a first iteration of my manor_of_fun, that I made much later.
I found it while looking around in my files. You might find some fun in it still though, so I decided to upload it here, for archival/history purposes.
"New" manor map...
This is a hangout/exploration map made for people, who want just a little more weirdness and exploration in their every day goofy tf2 server, or whatever your else your heart desires.
Explore dark forests with friends, or alone, discover weird secrets and unlock new things by completing simple...
What I mean is that if you woke up one morning, and found that during the night you transformed Franz Kafka-style into whatever it is featured in your icon, how would you react? Weird question, I know, but I'm still curious.
Me, I'd just silently and mouthlessly scream, as I'd turn into a...
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