
  1. Clone5184

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Industrialwalk A1 (Reupload)

    A single stage A/D map made for the 2016 72 hour Jam. A fairly simple map that takes place in and around a warehouse and other assorted buildings. Credit to Rexy for the Forklift model.
  2. Mathyaz

    Empty Hallways (koth_wharfcrane)

    One of the things I got for feedback from the gameday on 3/20 was that the map felt really, really large. I considered that something I knew already since I had only built the layout. I hadn't got much criticism other than that and that the map felt empty. So, the majority of the stuff I've been...
  3. wCiaran

    King Of The Hill Warehouse a2

    My first real map, most likely bad but I'm pretty proud of this one. It features a fork lift elevator (that I'm still surprised works as well as it does) and large open middle point. I feel like I did a pretty good job giving it an open feel while still limiting sniper sight lines and adding...
  4. ISPuddy

    Ceiling Fan 1.0?

    [:eek: WARNING! : THE STUPID F2P AHEAD!] do like some not spytech theme? old barn/warehouse/HOUSE?/ this model will give you the theme ------------------------------------------------------------------------ this model is from sfm but the model are only 1 skin...