Re-imagining of Harvest with its original Arena gamemode for TF2C
expanded areas
blocked unbalanced sightlines
balanced health/ammo kits for arena
has been playtested twice on Alt-Tab playtest server
Assets used:
Frontline Pack
Dusk till Dawn Skyboxes
VIP Race is a new, original, exclusive gamemode for Team Fortress 2 Classic. This version of the mode, which we call "4cp VIPR" internally, was designed by @Another Bad Pun with input from @14bit, with the logic built by 14bit.
This prefab is for Team Fortress 2 Classic! This logic will NOT...
dom_sewers is a tf2c 4team map that takes place in a sewer, and all team's cap points have unique deadly gimmicks. meant to be a chaotic map for a chaotic mode
My TC map National, recompiled for TF2C by @Another Bad Pun since apparently the vscript update broke compatibility between TF2 and TF2C and allegedly there is a ravenous fanbase for National in TF2C. Who knew!
The lighting is apparently slightly different from the TF2 version, but other than...
Invade the enemy base and steal their goodies.
Depository is a 4-team CTF map where your intelligence is guarded by a safe. Destroy the enemy's safe to reveal their intel, and escape their base before the blast doors lock you in.
Uses assets from Team Fortress 2 Classic and The London Pack...
A VIP Race map being made for the Team Fortress 2 Classic mod.
How the Gamemode works
VIP Race is a currently unused gamemode in TF2C that is a variation of VIP in which both teams have a Civilian they need to protect and extract. Since no official maps have been created yet for this gamemode...
This map is designed for Team Fortress 2 Classic, and will not function if used in normal TF2.
Team Green is beset on three sides by teams Red, Blue, and Yellow. Will any of the attackers wrest control of the point from the others, or will Green hold out against all odds?
Hello and welcome to KOTH Warland v7.1! This is one of the oldest maps that I've worked on and recently I updated it to 7.1, mostly because I kept delaying the update due to me forgetting constantly about the map. I guess you could say that it's a ADHD thing, but at least now I've updated it...
This is meant to be a fast-paced tiny arena map for TF2Classic
Story: The Four Teams RED, BLU, GRN, and YLW are fighting over an Abandoned MANN CO. Missile Silo that they want to restore and Blow-Up one of their Enemys Main Base's.
An artpassed version of 4fort with the GRN, YLW, RED and BLU bases, Sewers and canals.
This is version one, please report any lighting issues or bugs.
This will only work for team fortress 2 classic
Only compatible with team fortress 2 classic mod
Conversion of arena_well splitting the spawn courtyards in half and adding two more mercenary matchups to the mix
A VIP x KOTH version of koth_badlands for TF2 Classic! Carry your VIP to the capture point and try to keep it under control! But if your VIP dies, your team will be punished by adding 30 seconds to their timer! Complete with a nav mesh to support bots.
A VIP version of cp_dustbowl for TF2 Classic! Escort the VIP towards the control points as BLU, or try your best to stop him as RED! All 3 stages work. Complete with a nav mesh to support bots, although they've been known to be quite buggy and fail sometimes.
Hey there,
I'm not entirely new here, this is an account i used way back in 2010 (before i really started mapping much) to simply make a few posts, but as of late I've been becoming more and more active in level game design related activities and willing to share my creations with others. So I...
I am developing robot destruction for team fortress 2 classic, due to how old the build of tf2 is it has no assets or game files for the mode, if someone could release the textures, models and gamefiles (rd_asteroid assets and gamemode assets (Robots)) I would be very thankful. It will be the...
A new DM map for an age!
Shipment is a very gray Deathmatch map centered around a collection of buildings that ship and store items. The Mercs are fighting for dominance of this collection of places, and only 1 person will get the prestige of screaming how he is first place.
This map is for...
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