
  1. Freyja

    Himalaya/Nepalese Assets v1.1

    A pack for creation of maps set in the himalayas, especially Nepal. This zip contains all the assets I used to create my map, freezetag Himalaya. All assets within are made by me. (Other assets used in the screenshots of ft_himalaya made by Stuffy from...
  2. The Ottogirl

    İ need a partner to help me do texturing and modeling.

    I've created a lot of maps, but I feel that one of them has reached the stage where it needs to transition to art passing. It turns out that someone who has never properly art passed a map struggles with the process. This is why I need someone to teach me about texturing, modeling, and...
  3. PyeFlower

    72hr Jam 2024 Aavekko dev textures 2024-12-16

    Just thought I could release the custom texture edits I made for my territorial domination map for the 2024 72 hour jam. Use 'em however you wish. Download also includes a vmf with all the textures bc why not lol. I had to desaturate the pinks in development, but they're still probably a bit...
  4. Tricky Biz

    72hr Jam 2024 Jimi Jam Rations Sign 1

    2 military spam ration themed Jimi Jam signs for use in your maps! Now you can rest easy as a negligent sergeant knowing Jimi Jam is telling your soldiers what to do and not you! (Just don't tell them our tins are made with lead)
  5. Dasprucegoose

    Sawdust Textures v1

    All the file names and things are kinda dumb, but i cant be bothered to make it tidy. just uploading as to not be a cheater Includes: -Sawdust texture, including blends to light grass, dark grass, and dirt -Light to dark grass blend -Dark grass and light dirt blend -Light gravel to light dirt...
  6. dabmasterars

    $alphatest doesn't support anti-aliasing. Is there a way around it or should I use other options instead?

    I know that $alphatest is better for binary transparency (which this texture has), but the lack of AA looks ugly to me. Should I use other options like $translucent and $vertexalpha? P.S. texture is a decal
  7. yassir

    72hr Jam 2024 Flat textures for Team Fortress 2 Latest

    -> Flat Textures for Team Fortress 2 <- /!\ Originally Submitted/Made by "flewvar" /!\ • Direct Download • Gamebanana
  8. Sprinkles The Opossum

    Diorama Metal V1

    Metal textures i made for the map "Diorama" by Brokk and I for the STD contest. originally this was gonna be uploaded with all the assets from diorama but i found people asking me for the metal more and more so i thought i should upload it so people can use it! Added into the pack from base...
  9. Mr_MEME_42

    Textures glitching out in hammer does anyone know why?

    After mapping last night I came back today and for some reason, the textures on some of the brushes is glitching out, does anyone know what the problem is or a fix? (This pic is what is is meant to look like)
  10. PyeFlower

    Metaltruss001 variants 2024-09-10

    I'm a fan of the metaltruss texture, so I made some colored variants of it :3 I found out how to make these with just a vmf, so this is also a very small pack to boot! (just 5kb). There are two versions of each color, as one was created the proper mathematical way, while the second one was made...
  11. dabmasterars

    DO NOT USE DXT5 ON MODELS! (and other texture compression tips)

    When you're making a texture for TF2, it has to be a .vtf file. The format has a bunch of different options for compression and other data flags. I'm going to quickly explain these settings and when to use them. DXT1 One of two formats that you're gonna be using the most often. Uses the DXT...
  12. Sae35™

    Concretewall_island001 variants 1.0

    Simple really, these are variants based off of the concretewall_island001 texture for use to use in your maps. Contains 6 colors and two variants per color. Also has a regular wall without stripes and with a trim at the bottom since the wall is lighter than its source texture. Will probably...
  13. Wyelight

    How Do I Add New "Official" Models?

    A lot of neat community TF2 maps have been officially added to the game through updates. New prop models and textures come with these maps, and I'd love to use some in my own map. 1) Is it okay to use any officially-added asset in my own map, or do I need to ask for permission from each...
  14. Ismaciodismorphus

    Gray Gravel HQ assets 7/24/2024

    Collection of Materials used on https://tf2maps.net/downloads/gray-gravel-hq.17504/
  15. dabmasterars

    Portal Refracting Glass V1

    INSTALLATION & USE 1. Move the "portalglass" folder to "steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf2/custom/" 2. Open your map, search for "glasswindow_refract". Typing "glass" or "refract" should also reveal the texture. 3. Make a brush and convert it to "func_brush" FILES The ".zip" file includes...
  16. swhipple

    Trying to make a glass block texture - or find one

    I am making a poolrooms map, and am trying to find/create my own glass block texture as it is a staple of these liminal spaces. All the textures I can find online are PBR Textures like this: https://3dtextures.me/2019/12/26/glass-blocks-001/ I've been told that PBR textures won't work in...
  17. Jameson

    70 Paint Brush Pack 2

    CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain (You don't have to credit me) 70 brush alphas made by James Jameson I used blue acrylic paint, paper and a scanner. 600dpi 512x512 might look better Go make some cool stuff! You can now just install the ABR file into your relevant graphics software, which...
  18. AsheMosterMashe

    issues with env_sprite

    I can scale up my sprite to any size I want but as soon as I want something smaller than about 0.2 scale it just doesn't scale down. It appears to in Hammer but not in game? I tried making a smaller sprite that's half the size, and I could scale that down to about 0.1 and then when I changed...
  19. dabmasterars

    Texture appears broken in Hammer but normal in-game (pics included)

    After compiling and launching the map, texture appears normal without any glitches, yet Hammer can't load it correctly. What's the problem? I use the latest version of Hammer++ with the Ultimate Mapping Resourse Pack and TeamSpen's Hammer Addons. .vmt file info: LightmappedGeneric {...
  20. AsheMosterMashe

    How can I recreate this model texture effect in TF2?

    Is there anyway I can produce something like this in the Source engine with material proxies or some other method? I currently have the rotating model but the texture just clings to it statically, which isn't what I want.