
  1. Zoomspilo

    Theseus Alpha 7

    This is my first time making a payload map! It's got: a payload cart, tracks for it to run on, points for BLU to capture, and spawn rooms for the players to spawn in. What's that? Good gameplay? Hmm, nope, that one's not on my checklist. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine.
  2. Ismaciodismorphus

    Cryo Assets 1/17/2023

    A collection of assets i made for cryo
  3. Gruppy

    Iced a6

    Deep within the arctic, players fight over an abandoned research facility. Started out as a KoTH mid then turned it into arena.
  4. Ismaciodismorphus

    Cryo a4

    There is no gimmick because the map is on the brushside brink limit its hydro but snowy and there are trees
  5. Aarmastah

    Lumberyard Snowy (LEGACY) a1

    arena_lumberyard with snow and Diva Dan's arena mode hybrid thing from arena_lumberyard_event. Very much a work-in-progress and proof of concept Uses materials and particles from Diva Dan and yrrzy
  6. Zacco

    Multi Stage Twine (Stage 3) A2

    RED is hiding secrets beneath the ground north of the arctic circle, can BLU blow them up?
  7. OctoBlitz

    Newsie a7

    A dual entry into the TFConnect and Territorial Domination contests! (Placed 7th and 10th respectively ) Newsie takes place at the Headquarters of the Teufort Times, the local newspaper chain has been floundering as of recent, however its reporting of the Gravel Wars has sent it skyrocketing in...
  8. zythe_

    zythefestive a11

    map made for the tfconnect contest! festive tree thingy.
  9. Entity Report

    Cold Quarry A2

    Do you remember? The 21st night of September?
  10. Gruppy

    Falling Ash Particle v1

    Particle sprite ported from EP1 env_ash
  11. pont

    ctf_giants basalt assets 1

    sticks of rock as seen in ctf_giants. not to be confused with the traditional british seaside cylindrical boiled sweets of similar name. good luck rotating these all individually so you don't get texture tiling. it is an arduous process. THIS CONTAINS: - basalt column static props, under...
  12. Alex.bsp

    Snowyfest b1

    Harvest but its snow and the building in mid changed!
  13. Ismaciodismorphus

    Cranberry V2

    Cranberry is an Festive version of Cp_granary with some changes to "improve" the gameplay i may add more if i feel like it. Changes: Choke doors to mid are higher All doors are now 512 units in speed to prevent them from blocking player movement A new pickup the gingerbread man makes you run...
  14. Barion

    Taigalab b17

    Map set in a lab deep down in Siberia. Thanks to: Dooge for custom kettlebell and flashlight models; Jusa and xB33 for Munitions assets; Someone who made the snowcliff texture from EotL pack.
  15. Cincomma

    ARENA Crosstalk

    Cindycomma submitted a new resource: Cindyiscold - brrr! Read more about this resource...
  16. Perry

    Chiller RC4

    One Halloween night, A celebration of all that is spooky, and kooky: An alarm blairs, Hell has frozen ove- Literally. B.L.U, wanting to seeze their opertunity to gain entrance too an unlimited source of Hell power, rush to arms. While R.E.D, putting their party hats down; they grab their guns...
  17. Khuntza

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Mirrored Maps - pl_tsaocywons b1

    Team Fortress 2 maps mirrored as accurately as possible to their originals. Right becomes left, left becomes right, giving maps we know like the back of our hands a fresh take. It will mess with your head! Mirrored especially for the 2022 72Hour Summer Jam. This map contains several new...
  18. cakedon

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Depot (Control Points) 0.6

    I got a late start to this Jam and this may or may not be the main factor in not finishing this. Might just classify this as Scene Decoration, or something like that. Anyways, in its finished state, this would be a CP map with 2 control points (budget's a beach) set in a snowy valley on a foggy...
  19. MilkMaster72

    Past 72hr Jam Entry London Fort (72 Hour Jam) 2022-07-25

    2Fort, but with more than just a new coat of paint. London Fort is a reimagining of 2Fort made for the Summer 2022 72 Hour Jam, utilizing many assets from the London and Frontline asset packs. The layout is familiar yet different. Uses assets from The London Pack and The Frontline Pack.
  20. zythe_

    chimney rc2

    invade ctf map with funny Christmas chimneys and shit