sfm art

  1. ToastGhostler

    [SFM Poster] Winter kitten kissing 2017-08-07

    I created my friend's heavy loadout kissing a cat in sfm. Everything used from the game's files, besides the cat model. Link to what I used from the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=586895726&searchtext=cat
  2. JonahJoestar

    Crimson Aviators 2017-08-06

    Heard about the 72 Hour Jam contest through Tumblr and decided to submit an artwork entry, hope you enjoy it all the same. "The War Bird" (Plane Model) is created and owned by Steam User Bapaul. -Link to his Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/id/bapaul/myworkshopfiles/ All other items are...
  3. ☆ Swifty ☆

    Free To Play 2017-08-06

    A P2P being generous and give a gibus sniper a hat.

    What The Mercs Do On Their Ony Day Off artwrk72

    this is a quick artwork I made today I had a good idea when I downloaded the map from the start and thought it was be a good idea to make a poster ik it isn't too good but hey i made it in about a hour n a half just from thinking of what poses ect,. my steam with other art...
  5. Golden Mann.

    Flare Face 2017-08-05

    I hope you enjoy :D I felt really bad so I couldn't make that good of an SFM.
  6. :^)

    Dynamic Sniper Duo 2017-08-05

    Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!VMEFERCK!Ohq48XJhikicUI6ydJ43WzYS697XRAAW3Y18vtDxxBs

    What The Mercs Do On Their Ony Day Off artwrk

    this is a quick artwork I made today I had a good idea when I downloaded the map from the start and thought it was be a good idea to make a poster ik it isn't too good but hey i made it in about a hour n a half just from thinking of what poses ect,. my steam with other art...
  8. ✨Majora✨

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Administrator 2017-02-12

    I made this for the model that SedimentarySocks did of the Administrator from TF2. You can check out the model here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=863061290
  9. Cyn 2

    Past 72hr Jam Entry The Mafia Club 2017-02-12

    Okay I have gone to so many sfm artists like Izak, Doomsday, Desmond, Dashing, Akuam, Shnail. and others about rendering. And after asking they still couldn't help me with the rendering. I started the sfm at 66 hours and I finished around 22 all because of the rendering. So this is the best I...
  10. Dr. Maxxis

    Past 72hr Jam Entry "Green Isn't Creative"

    "Green isn't Creative" By Dr. Maxxis a.k.a 4oureyes This....Wasn't easy. To explain! The Lighting itself was a pain, not to mention the posing and fingers, It was very difficult to properly light this the way I wanted so eventually I had to scrap and move on. I had returned with a open mind and...
  11. Portable Merc Collector

    72 hour TF2 jam announcement (SFM) 2017-02-11

    Something I decided to make of some TF2 mercs gathered around the 72 hour TF2 jam title!
  12. Aarmastah

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Engineer's Stressful Job 2017-02-11

    This is an SFM poster I made for the 72hr Winter 2017 TF2Jam. My SFM skills aren't the greatest, and I have a lot of room for improvement, but I wanted to make something to show the struggles of playing as Engineer.
  13. djdisco

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Upward's Heroic Medic 2017-2-11

    as red team struggles to defend the payload, Medic comes to heal Pyro in his efforts to kill Blu Hoovy. "Dead, No Big Soup Rice."
  14. J.D SFM

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Surprise from above 2017-02-11

    This is my entry to the 2017 72hr tf2jam! Don't forget to tell me if you liked it, what you did/didn't like! :)
  15. The Fancy Fedora

    Past 72hr Jam Entry "Mission ends in 10 seconds!" 2017-02-11

    A picture of Heavy shooting from the point with Spy in the background about to win the game. This one isn't my favorite and it was difficult to get the minigun in Heavy's hands to look right but I think the result was worth the time. Picture on my Steam Profile...
  16. The Fancy Fedora

    Past 72hr Jam Entry BLU Soldier (TF2Jam entry) 2017-02-10

    Created in like 5 hours for the 'Winter 2017 72 hour TF2Jam' this was originally going to be soldier pointing the shotgun at the camera which would be lower down but I wanted more detail in the background and the side view looked better to me. Picture on my Steam Profile...
  17. HHGamers

    Past 72hr Jam Entry TF2 Summer Bonfire 2016-07-24

    Been making this for The Summer 2016 72hr TF2Jam. Its really fun making this. If you have any tips/suggestions feel free to post them down below. (I used SFM) (Link to YT: https://t.co/v7DOowgZvz)
  18. ✨Majora✨

    Past 72hr Jam Entry SFM: Oblivious 2016-07-24

    I spent half of my day working on this, I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but I don't have enough time to work on something else.
  19. Cube

    Past 72hr Jam Entry [SFM] Engineer with crippling depression 2016-07-24

    THE SPEED ART VID ---------> View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiHuQwpmScc You should help him by helping me :3
  20. FUTURE10S

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Heavy Self-Portrait [SFM poster] 2016-07-24

    Made over the last few hours for the SourceSTUFF contest, I realized that it would be unfair to keep it hidden in the depths of Facepunch (and I already made a 72hr entry, so if this counts, then it's my second one otherwise have an image)