
  1. The Ottogirl

    Gambrel style cp logic (medieval) 2024-07-23

    as we all know that everyone loves medieval mode so i made a medieval version of my custom cp logic
  2. Ponds34

    Sprinkle Prefabs for mappers 5 Sprinkles (Going to add more)

    5 sprinkles are in the zip: Badlands Pile (The standard pile for any map. Crates, barrels, pallets, etc.) Medieval Pile (Pile preset for medieval maps. Hay, anvils, targets, etc.) Spawnroom Pile (Pile preset for typical spawnrooms. Bandages, Posterboards, Beer Bottles, shelfs, etc.) Red/Blue...
  3. Rbstat

    fd_prefab 2023-01-01

    A prefab for my custom gamemode Flag Defense (or FD for short) Inside this you should find all the map logic to make the gamemode work. Most importantly being: * A set of three intel briecases with which blu team caps. (theres also a briecase for red but it's disabled by default) * A point...
  4. Aapelikaeki

    Cakey's Alpha Stairs Prefab V1

    Stairs! They help make your alpha maps look good, and by having consistent ratios and sizes you're doing your future self a favor! Or you would be, were you not so lazy as to just slap a hastily made ramps around your map. Fear not, this staircase prefab is here to help. Featuring 16, 32, 48...
  5. Sonoma

    Asteroid Skybox Prefab a1

    A prefab I made to save you the trouble of figuring out how Valve made the rd_asteroid skybox. Just copy and paste into your map Note: This is a 3D skybox Valve uses sky_goldrush_01 for the 2D skybox texture but it doesn't matter which one you use. I put a light_enviroment entity inside the...
  6. TheBluScout #frontline!

    Frontline! Frames Pack V1

    Frontline! Frames placed in brushes so you don't have to! Comes with: 7 Windows (7 variations each) 2 Storefront doors and the window (5 variation each) 2 Example buildings (not for map use, just to get an idea) 4 Trench prefabs (normal / tall / short variants each)(May require...
  7. TheBluScout #frontline!

    Door & Window Frames Pack V2

    Frames placed in brushes so you don't have to! (VERSION 2) Comes with: *31 Framed Doors (8 with team doors) *17 Framed Windows (*5 variations each) Doors & Windows separated by material / theme maybe More frames to come!
  8. FishyUberMuffin

    Roof Prefab

    Could someone create a Roof Prefab? This will help many people who can't really get the roofs just right. Also, it would be much quicker for map makers to finish there maps up.
  9. FishyUberMuffin

    Control Point on a Train with Flatbed Prefab A2

    This Prefab is for a new way of playing any game mode that requires you to capture a control point of any kind. This is supported by any kind of Control Point Map. For the Control Point Maps, you will have to play your Control Point of chose to the flatbed of the train and pair it with the...
  10. Gorgonzilla

    One Way Door with Logic 2018-04-30

    - comes with OnCapTeam2 Logic to close the door once BLU has captured an area, and you don't want RED to use their shortcut anymore. - other logic includes: disabling the door, so there isn't a phantom door opening and closing out of view and OnMultiNewRound logic to reopen the locked door when...
  11. nᵗʰSonata

    TF2 Character Scale Prefabs V1

    Contains one prefab for each of the nine classes, as well as for the Engineer's three buildings ***To install:*** Copy the "TF2 Character Scale" file contained with the .zip to "...\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\Prefabs" This should be all you need to do The class prefabs contain...
  12. AlexCookie

    AlexCookie's Small Prefab Pack v1

    Prefab list as of v1: Areaportal windows Black White Spawn Points 16 Any Red Blu 12 Any Red Blu Stairs 64HU 128HU 256HU
  13. Sage J. Fox

    Past 72hr Jam Entry TFC-like DetPack Prefabs 2017-02-13

    Always liked some of the lesser used features in TFC, such as the Demoman's ability to plant detpacks in certain areas of some maps to actually open up or close off paths. This set of prefabs and models aims to help recreate that for TF2. Contents...
  14. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Lost Custom Content from

    Starting all the way back to 2015. To be very honest with you I really hate when my imagination is limited! Due to that, I straightforward downloaded all of the models, textures, particles & other stuff to keep myself happy! That's why I have them in the first place. Sure, it was a lot of...