payload cart

  1. Asdf1308

    Nuclear Bomb Cart 1.0

  2. Sock Uuno

    Animating a Payload

    I'm trying to set up a tank model (not the tank cart mind you) from the Frontline pack as an animated payload, but i don't know how to set it to play an animation as it moves, any advice regarding this? The second image was an attempt at making it play its move animation during capture, but...
  3. NoobDancer100

    [SOLVED] Payload card stopping after first checkpoint

    I am working on a simple payload map, and when trying to setup the track, the payload reaches the first checkpoint, then stops. I have setup the control points properly (they each have a unique index), and I am properly switching points (I am calling SetControlPoint on the trigger_capture_zone)...
  4. Asdf1308

    Medieval Payload Cart 1.0

    ==================================================================== A payload model for medieval mode (Red and blue painted bomb textures made by Robogineer) ====================================================================
  5. Starhorder

    payload cart cannot be pushed.

    so... when a BLU player tries to push the cart in my map, nothing happens. I am... at a loss. i've checked the checkpoint names, the logic entities, the in editor problem checker, map compiles properly, i've inserted a totally new train group, checked the checkpoint indices. and still, the cart...
  6. Sprinkles The Opossum

    Tank Payload 1

    I made this a while ago for my payload map and thought i'd release it! included is the tank model and a prefab vmf of what you'll need if you want to include it into your map (hatch optional) Feel free to do whatever you want with this!
  7. GigaBite

    Help with payload goldrush style chute and flashing light on bomb

    Hi everyone, I've got 2 separate, payload-related issues that I'd really appreciate some help with. My first issue is that I've been trying to create a chute for the payload cart to descend down into at the end of stage 1 of my map, like how the cart does in pl_goldrush. I've come pretty far, I...
  8. Lupe #savetf2

    pl_factoryfarm_b1 0.5

    A map that pass around a small factory in the middle of the desert. The map still on beta so some parts of the map still missing some details. The things that still missing are: *3D skybox *some details in some enviroments *some cliping Im accpeting any suggestion to improve the map...
  9. Chaos

    I'm tired of bugs.

    Ok, so I'm getting tired of blindly trying fix these myself. Maybe someone can help me out. Currently I have a couple of problems. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Every team spawn entity WON'T FREAKIN WORK. No clear reason why they're broken, but even with the...
  10. MacRipley

    Slime Time Assets V1

    I never realized that I didn't release these! Could be nice for anyone who wants to spice up their spooky maps with some GREEN SLIIIIME! Comes with the cart prefab! Feel free to check out the home map to see these in action Please credit if used!
  11. SaltyPapi

    Alongside b8

    BLU's goal is to sink a massive cargo ship while it's in dry-dock. Credits: Construction Pack assets: Crane models, Nails001, Concrete Barrier, rebar, Concreteground002, constructwood001, strongarm, sign001b, sign001c by Kevin 'Ravidge' Brook Hammer, sanchez001z by Sebastian 'Seba' Grus...
  12. d3adfin

    'Tap-to-Push' Payload Prefab v1

    just a prefab for the cart used on pl_drylands this is a modified version of the cart logic on pl_tapline, so credit to GuttyKreum for creating that no need to credit me for creating it, but i would prefer if you credited gutty since he made the initial logic that was changed have fun!
  13. Hydro

    Stailia S1 A16

    The first stage of a multi-stage payload map. Story [Temp]: A train is transporting [Retracted] for Red and must pass through the mountains to reach its destination. Red must protect the train by stalling for time while Blu is pushing the bomb cart to a cannon at the end to destroy it.
  14. youporkchop5

    Dunno _a18

    Dunno is my first real TF2 map in a long time. Hopefully it's good. (edit: its not) The Mercenaries were warped here by some magician (I think he's Soldier's roommate) and now they are forced to fight over the Legendary Nickelodeon Slime Pit™! Screenshots current as of A17A
  15. Fault in Maps

    plr_tripletrack A1

    A payload race map with a twist; a third cart! Whichever team pushes the third cart to the end opens a shortcut for their cart!
  16. Piggy

    Payload Doesn't Regress Properly

    I've tried many things to fix this issue but despite my efforts nothing has worked, so I'm posting this because I need help. The payload regresses as it is supposed to, however after regressing it refuses to move forward for whatever reason. This applies to both rollback zones and standard...
  17. KrazyZark

    Empty minecart payload V1

    have fun using it!
  18. Shadowss

    Melee payload map

    Who else thinks a melee payload map would be fun?
  19. Bakscratch

    Goldrush Payload Cart

    Based on I ran out of time to finish and compile due to work :( Will finish in the future!
  20. TheBluScout #frontline!

    Model [REQUEST] Animated TF style delivery van for payload.

    Working on a urban type payload map, I'm using the van from this pack as a placeholder but the model clearly wasn't made for movement. If anyone is able to make a animated delivery van (that has a forward, idle, and if possible, blowing up animation) that I can shove a bomb in the back of that...