multi stage

  1. robopan

    Multi Stage Bunyan A1E

    BLU infiltrate a logging site used as cover by RED. They blow up the RED base with the aid of a giant Paul Bunyan statue.
  2. dabmasterars

    Multi Stage Gasworks (VIP) A2

    The BLU team need to bring back their documents that REDs stole from their headquarters. (yes, these headquarters) This is a reimagining of dm_gasworks from the original Half-Life. The first stage is an entrance to gasworks, the second takes place at the factory itself, and the third is located...
  3. Tiftid

    multiarena_tundra _a2a

    I built the bulk of this map way back in 2022. Since it was unfinished, I listed it on my Sketchbook thread, and... nobody cared. Now it's 2024 (a highly auspicious year), I'm 20 years old, and the original problem of adding arena_graveyard logic to a multi-stage arena map was trivial, once...
  4. Korkade

    cp_boomcanyon A4

    this map sort of has a industry and a canyon theme and this is the first stage.
  5. Korkade

    Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved TF2Classic Version v25

    this is a fixed version of dustbowl Major changes & improvements: changed the 3d skybox sun to a env_sun fixed visible holes/nodraw textures on higher elevations improved clipping around the map fixed weird lighting on props and displacements around the map added reflective floor tiles and...
  6. Padre Snowmizzle

    Multi Stage Dune (CP) 20.3.0

    Duke it out in the dunes for gravel-goodness... and oil, there's that, too! Amidst the windswept Arabian dunes, RED has masked a massive missile site within their oil and rock mining operation. Inspired by classic Team Fortress' Dustbowl and Counterstrike's Dust map, this three-stage...
  7. Korkade

    Multi Stage Dustbowl Fixed & Improved v11

    This is a fixed version of dustbowl How to download map from TF2Maps. Drag the .BSP file into this directory "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps" then you type "map cp_dustbowl_fix" into the console in game without the quotation marks to play it Major changes & improvements...
  8. Ismaciodismorphus

    Ionic (Stage 1) a1g

    Stage 1 of a planned 3 stage payload map, set in Australia or something
  9. Dasprucegoose

    mstiggts stage 1 a4

    For Stack the Deck. Dish gone.
  10. Auwi

    Multi Stage Lamworth a12

    I had an itch to make a map so I figured I'd try out for the contest. 2 Stage a/d map set in a district of London. Designed for Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck. Gameplay Cards Featured: #1: Map has second stage #4: Active spawnroom directly below/above active objective (Red's stage 1...
  11. Wizard the Almighty

    Multi Stage CP_Bastion a7c

    Cliff based multi stage map. Enjoy hehehehe
  12. Hydro Eclipse

    Multi Stage Meira A2

    Stage 1 of a multi-stage map.
  13. Assassin_Gamez

    How do you create a multi-stage map?

    So I have an Attack/Defence map in mind and i basically want it so that when the Blu team capture all the CP's in an area of the map, it will count as a round win and will move on to the next area of the map, best example for an official TF2 map is Dustbowl. Is this possible to do in hammer as a...
  14. Zacco

    Multi Stage Twine B8

    It's like the other Twine maps, but this time its an all-in-one bundle! This map was HUGELY inspired by Uncuepa's Svalbard, so HUGE big love goes out to him. If it weren't for him, this map wouldn't exist at all. Snow & Dirt ground texture by Void!
  15. Robogineer

    Mannifold a4

    Mannifold is a multi-stage A/D map set inside a heavy industrial/refinery setting. The overall layout and map flow are inspired by Foundry, Dustbowl, and a few other non-Valve games. Shoutout to Void for the lovely skybox!
  16. Ismaciodismorphus

    Multi Stage Tundramountain rc4

    A smissmas recreation of thundermountain set upon the famous Mt. Thunder during the Great Badlands Blizzard of 71'. Contains gingerbread men pickups which give users faster movement speed for a short duration. Credits Ismaciodismorphus - Smissmas Artpass Krazyzark- snowy prop pack Pinewabble -...
  17. ItsOnlyMilky

    Multi Stage CP_Dustbeach a1g

    'Dustbeach' is a project I've been working on for some 6 months now. The map is a ground-up reimagining of the classic Dustbowl map with a new British seaside aesthetic, courtesy of the Frontline and London packs. The first stage is the town and lighthouse; BLU starts on the beach and must...
  18. FlyingEngineer

    Multi Stage Disused A2A

    Currently only stage 1 Disused is a payload map, if its finished, it'll be a three stage payload map.
  19. Tang

    Kilauea S1 a1v2

    Stage I of "Kilauea", set on the idyllic shores of the Big Island of Hawai'i.
  20. Aulli

    Overload a1c

    72hr Entry. 3-stage Payload, Push a destructive tesla-cart through RED's oil refinery, causing havok along the way. Collaboration between Zythe_ and Aulli