
  1. Yabayabayaba

    Chase a5

    Your cargo truck full of high explosives is being chased by robots! Can you defend against the hot pursuit? A collaboration with RC+ Features: -dynamic carriers! -dynamic scenery! -death pit action! -2 secrets! -Beginner and Advanced popfiles - and more! known issues -some clipping is bad...
  2. Yabayabayaba

    Moving Skybox -- THE RETURN

    so I love the idea of using a func_physbox and a phys_motor to create a spinning skybox, yet I cannot make it work. I have extensively poured over the example map Roundabout by Faux Rhinoceros, a well made map that works well on the same concept. Yet nothing I do can make my skybox spin. When I...
  3. Yabayabayaba

    How Should I Make aMoving Skybox

    I am making a mvm map on a huge truck that is moving through a canyon. I want the skybox to move around the map. What would be the best way to make this happen. Please vote and give suggestions