
  1. ALIEN31

    Perforation a1

    RED has hired AI to automate their mining facility, surprisingly they have found a crude oil lake, and they are using it as fuel source for their Robots! (or sell it). as BLU you must stop them at all costs!! Map Gimmicks Robot Engineers (will repair buildings if damaged) Random paths (chosen...
  2. MC_Labs15

    Haunted Mine (Payload) a2

    Payload halloween map with a custom ghost boss!
  3. Mess About

    spiral a2

    pl_spiral there's a lack of true racing payload race map, so I made one Lore: Bluetarch and Redmond decides to race against each others every year on Halloween to determine who's the best, since they're both dead (and can't drive), they want YOU the players to help them. Objective: push...
  4. Scatter

    Gravel Pass 3a

    From the mines, the warehouse, and the roads of Gravel Pass, Colorado, defend the recently discovered Australium Gravel on behalf of Mann Co! Gravel Pass focuses on split-path gameplay, encouraging teams to switch between/defend both sides at once to avoid being overwhelmed. Included is one...
  5. Seacat08

    Marino RC1

    ------------------------------------- Marino is an Arena map that takes place in and around a mine in the middle of the Badlands. It goes for a Gravelpit style artpass with an interesting layout that provides lots of varying elevation and cover. As well as a gimmick that can dictate how you play...
  6. NinjaB75

    Quarryside Alpha 6

    RED and BLU fight over the only real entrance to a important gravel quarry deep within the Gravel Sea. Control the lift, control the quarry.
  7. burgerlover9001

    cp_beneath a1b

    Blu has infiltrated Red's secret mining facility and must traverse through to shutdown their operation. Starting out in the mines themselves, Blu team must find a way into the facility to capture point A. Once A is capped, blu team must travel further into the facility to B, a spacious room...
  8. GhostyGump

    koth_minepit a3

    Mercenary's fighting over a mine to deter"mine" who owns it.
  9. ArtZ

    Coaltrench rc1

    Coaltrench focuses on high ground surrounding the point with a path underneath the point to create dynamic fights. Mainly inspired by Highpass and the hope to make a better KOTH map than Overlook.
  10. TheFluffycart

    ctf_thefluffycart_mc24_a1 a1a

    Part of the MC24 (Two WIshes) contest, this map was made in 16 hours in accordance to two requests made by a user. Below are all the requests, and the ones that were completed: A/D - X Has a train hazard - ✓ Must contain a certain prop (Check Image for list) - ✓ (Technically it's there) CTF - ✓...
  11. MegapiemanPHD

    Multi Stage Down Under b19

    Mappings a good hobby mate. Challenging work, indoors, garneted you'll go hungry if you try to rely on mapping for TF2 as a job. Down Under takes the Mercs to Australia, somewhere they surprisingly haven't been all that much. What will they find at the end of this 3 stage payload map? Honestly...
  12. Aulli

    Valleycross rc2

    My first map I ever made, of course it's a king of the hill map. Made when I was new with a different community. I don't have any of the original files so i'm not able to fix anything, including a missing texture, but I figure I should upload this despite that.
  13. M

    koth_onepoint_remade a1.2

    onepoint but remade
  14. Potato 2

    koth_drilled v1

    Red and Blu accidentally hired the same contractors to build a giant drill on top of a hill, being lazy they only built half of each, now the mercs will have to fight for ownership of the drill and all the gravel it dug up so far.
  15. Japester

    Gondum B6

    The first good map I made
  16. *Turns into crocodile*

    Ore a2

  17. Sympuppy

    Stumble Shaft a2

    This is a very simple ctf map made for the pick it up contest.
  18. Vanilla Cake

    Mansand a10

    This is my first map that I have gotten to a point where I can call it "testable," despite being here for about a year. It is a generic KotH map and I expect that I will have a lot wrong with it because it is my first map. Themed around an old mine that was then deserted after the 2nd World War...
  19. That Guy In The Corner

    dr_badger_escape RC1

    About this map Starting in a locked room, RED players must escape through a series of traps, traversing the facility, dark mines, and finally the outdoors. Features: 9 triggered traps Environmental hazards Motivator (will also kill REDs who haven't picked an ending) Buttons that dont look...
  20. Lars

    cp_grottenblitz a6

    A Steel like CP map. Goodday everyone and welcome to my third map. Hope you enjoy!