king of the hill


    koth_Thermodynamics_a1b A1b

    A king of the hill map in a junction/turbine place like thing The lighting may be a little weird
  2. djmatt18000

    starmap a1

    koth map with nighttime stary skybox not final name skybox:
  3. pedden2009

    koth_garden_a1 2

    the bsp fotm of the map still under playtesting
  4. pedden2009

    koth garden 1

    this map is under playtesting

    wood_sculpt A1

    A King of the Hill map in the factory were the carts are made
  6. SkiesRed

    koth_novissimus a2a

    Welcome to Novissimus, a couple of buildings overlooking heaps and piles of dirt and gravel. RED and BLU have been hired to help clean up the never-ending mess. But it seems that, now, there's going to be a never-ending battle. "Novissimus" means "most recent" in Latin.
  7. djmatt18000

    indusktrial a14

    a industrial themed night koth map i made
  8. BradB.

    Ape a1

    A flat dynamic king of the hill map
  9. Zerro

    Minehill Alpine rc1

    Minehill is a snowy map set high in mountains that was used as a mining facility . As a result of the mining company going bankrupt it was abandoned . Soon the lower parts of the mine became flooded which created the acid lake that now lies at the bottom of the valley This is an alpine version...
  10. Ponds34

    Iliad Alpha 9 a

    A Small Koth map that takes place on the top of a Greek Village surrounded by olive trees with an emphasis on giving verticallity to all classes. !!!Greek assets made by Freyja!!!
  11. Chaos

    Koth_Big_Printer r1.2

    Inspired by a tweet from Great Blue. I decided to make a tf2 map centered around what is supposed to be a giant printer lol. I've been playtesting this 6v6 with bots. It's pretty fun in my opinion. This is definitely the greatest map ever I don't know what you're talking about. FEATURES...
  12. seaempee

    Ladderclimb 1

    A small king of the hill map that features ladders!
  13. Jazzratoon

    koth_floodforest ba3

    A Simple map where majory of the forest is submerged in water on a rainy night. The King of the Hill goal is on an island like hill in the middle of the flooded forest, with currently two forts for each team to play on in order for snipers to help their teammates win. BA3: Now, there are more...
  14. ProfHappycat

    crossflow A1A

    Hydro-themed mirrored KOTH map. My first one in years. Not much else to say. Fun Stats about A1: -33 hard saves made during development -Started at 10PM on March 19th -There are exactly 7 medium pickups of both types
  15. Estlib

    siege_snowtown_redux a2

    A redux of my old map Many thanks to Mr Burguers and gidi30 for their superior gamelogic and vscript support in helping me getting the gamemode redone. As such, the old player destruction-based prefab is unused, and gamemode is now more...
  16. Multiverse Productions

    Koth_Damp a3

    My fourth tf2 map and the first one I've worked on in over a year. Had a lot of problems with hammer in my last map which put me off but I've returned now. This new King Of The Hill map was loosely inspired by turbine but designed around the koth game mode. Hopefully you enjoy it.
  17. NinjaB75

    Quarryside Alpha 6

    RED and BLU fight over the only real entrance to a important gravel quarry deep within the Gravel Sea. Control the lift, control the quarry.
  18. Padre Snowmizzle

    Poach (CP)/(8CP)/(KOTH?) 1.1.0

    Another vacation, another argument; settle your squabble and get on with your camping trip. You're all performing below standard, and our Mann Co sponsors are starting to pull out. Then we thought about it, and what better way to improve job performance than to bring it with you on your next...

    koth_hotline alpha 07

    After numerous failed projects, I took the initiative to reorganize myself and begin anew. This led me to a point where I had previously given up. Consequently, I reimagined the Coldline map, solving many problems that were rooted in the process of developing it now this is a map focused on...
  20. Hydro Eclipse

    Earth Seasons A2

    The seasons come and go, changing the earth a little each time. Well, what if those small changes did actually happen? Earth Seasons attempts to have a random season chosen at the start of each round, with each season changing the map in small ways. A door here or there may open or close, an...