
  1. TheGhostThatWas

    Team-Swapped Maps B3-B7

    Includes altered versions of: Upward Badwater Goldrush Gorge Gravel Pit Dustbowl Used content from TF2Maps: Rocket002 with blue materials by honeymustard BLU Imports of Red Products by Void Crossroads Custom Props by Jonah Red Cart Bomb by killohurtz Additional Letters by Mikroscopic Tank001...
  2. SirUnknown

    Hydrophobe a7

    An industrial style CP map with the same format as Gorge Some screenshots
  3. UKCS-Alias

    Giza b6 An MvM map with control points in gravelpit style. Meaning both A and B are open at once and bots will try to cap them both. The map also features more bombs at once.