i am having a consistent problem with a flag. it works fine, but as soon as I parent it to a func_tracktrain it does not respawn correctly. When it respawns it spawns off to the side, each time the flag returns it spawns off to the side from where it should be. the entities are a copy from the...
Pizza delivery bag custom intel model
Model by @Mikroscopic , textures by @fuzzymellow
One team colored flag with red, blue, and neutral skins plus an extra green skin
One permanent neutral flag
3 different LODs for each model
The C-banner from degrootkeep. Recompiled to allow up to 8 (0 to 7) skins.
Use the provided images to properly make your own texture(s) and save them anywhere within the materials filepaths that you want. Texture files must obviously be VTF. Edit the VMTs (path...
I am wondering if this is possible, but is there a certain way you could do a event relative to the flags carrier or the carriers team, such as giving a speed boost or crits? Thanks.
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