
  1. Pawlakov

    Gantry A3a

    This is my new Invade CtF map or as I prefer to call it, DtF (Deliver the Flag). Features: TRAIN GAMEPLAY routes opening or closing depending on who holds the flag no time limit game until one capture a dark secret which will make your blood freeze once you realize it...
  2. Entropy (She/Her)

    Brush Cranes 1.0

    An updated brushwork of the model tf2_crane with the following changes: New textures with better quality Changed 2D planes into 3D Fixed floating parts Added details and emergency lights 3 color variants, RED, BLU and yellow This brushwork let you use the crane in playable areas without having...
  3. DKAJones

    72hr Jam 2024 SD_Deposit 1

    Adds a tug-of-war Twist to Special delivery, where instead of just trying to launch a rocket, you are trying to drop a bomb on your enemies! First map, made for the 72hr jam. There was supposed to be an explosion when you win the round (Which worked!) but source spaghetti had to...
  4. SharkSnake

    Northwest Beta 3

    A basic KotH map, featuring flank doors accessible only to the losing team, and a big awesome cliff. Big cylinder is going to be a crane, just haven't made it yet.
  5. Beepin

    Repairkour b10h

    Here's a schematic for ya... and about a dozen others about fixing this broken town. Originally made about a decade ago, this version of Repairkour (that's repair + parkour - crazy, right?) has updated visuals and a new bonus to boot. Players will find themselves parkouring through a plethora of...
  6. Tumby

    St. Sampson Harbour Crane v1.0

    Simply a harbour crane. Has 5 skins: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green and Gray. Has 3 parts: Lower, Upper and Arm. (Also includes skybox versions.) Each part has a different origin so that you can separately rotate the upper part and the arm to your needs. The parts can be easily assembled on the...
  7. Tumby

    Past 72hr Jam Entry 72hr - St. Sampson Harbour Crane 0.1

    Download the finished model here: How to install: Put the folder "72hr_tumby_harbour_crane" in your "Team Fortress 2/tf/custom" folder. Model filenames: props_tumb/72hr_sampson_harbour_crane/arm.mdl...
  8. Khaki Cap

    Radio Hotel a3a6

    (Map is being made by Khaki Cap and BonkieBlues) Greetings comrades. Both of your teams have been hired by our glorious to help us construct our newest hotel we will have in this tiny region. The work has been post poned so many times due to attacks on workers. And that's not all! We need...
  9. Tianes

    Oil Platform Crane V1

    This submission includes 8 models of various parts of a lattice boom crane stylized for TF2. Skybox size counterparts are also available. The base and arm models share origin points for easier mixing and matching. The hook platform model is intended to attach to the lower bars of the crane...
  10. Jan_Colon

    Chasm V1

    This is the first map I'm uploading to this site. It's just your usual ctf map, it has a bridge that stretches across to the other team's base and intelligence. Enjoy playing it! (if you do)
  11. Fluury

    How to make a makeshift crane; or alternatively - How do I move ropes?

    Heya. I am currently working on a Payload map which includes something similar to barnblitz second, where the payload is paused for a second on the track. However, instead of a.. spinny-thing on the ground I wanted to make a cool crane that lifts up a log that's currently on the track...
  12. zythe_

    Cliffhanger a1

    [PROJECT ABANDONED] The only way for the teams to get the supplys for goldmining and all the other stuff up the cliff wall is with a crane with a platform. Due to the fact that there is only one crane they decided to fight over it.
  13. Quartzrog

    koth_windlass a1

    Hello all! This is what I managed to make for the 72 Hour Summer Jam. This is the first map I textured/detailed. Overall I'm fairly happy with the overview, though I feel it's a bit small. With more time put into it, I feel like the look of the map could be improved drastically. I'm not quite...
  14. Mathyaz

    wharfcrane a6b

    Welcome! Thanks for viewing my map! This my very first map, both in terms of creation and publication. I'd appreciate as much feedback as possible throughout this experience. I would like to put out thanks to hutty, TheDarkerSideofYourShadow, and the Bulletcrops Project for custom assets like...