Hi I'm working on Highwood again. I saw the changes made while I wasnt taking part of the development and thought that it would be better to create a separate pro version. The old demo doesnt seem to work though so I think it would be nice to have some playtest with the new version. The new...
A payload map with 4 control points.
When blue team captures control point A, the cart is lowered into a cave with an elevator.
Blue spawn:
Control point A:
Path from blue spawn into the cave:
The cave between A and B:
Control point B:
Path to control point C:
RED has been working on something that could turn the war in their favor and obviously BLU can't have that, so they set out on operation: Pre(vent the)invention!
Blue setups for the attack outside the R&D's perimeter in an old mining facility.
Then they make their way through their industrial...
Trouble in Paradise... Kahoalii is a Payload map set on a Red controlled island, disguised as a tourist hot spot and resort alongside the Hawaiian islands.
This map was designed for the Tf2maps Payload Checklist Contest, by Octoblitz and Xelily
The Current checklist items this map featured:
A payload map set in a forest. Has a Train Hazard that the cart crosses.
Here's the vmf (Version b6b, google drive download)
Payload Checklist Contest Entry - Checks:
Payload crosses hazard
Payload crosses over own path
Payload goes straight for 1,500 units
Payload goes down 256 units in...
Created with the Payload Checklist Contest in mind, BLU needs to capture the first two carts before moving to the third! This is single stage.
The hud is somewhat janky, there is only one line, and is updated based on which cart was touched last. Other than that, it works mostly fine.
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble