
  1. Void

    Slasher RC2

    Welcome to Camp Saxton! Summer may be over, but the Halloween hauntings of autumn have just begun, and they're all back - with a vengeance! Slasher revolves around a custom boss battle roulette system - every two minutes, a new randomized threat will spawn to take on the players and fight them...
  2. Billo

    help with a hallowneen boss

    well this year arround hallowneen is coming and i am going to make a hallowneen map. but i need help with 1 thing i have the headless_hatman already there how can i make when i cap the point a (its a A->B->C Gamemode) making him spawn?
  3. Señor Meow

    [Beginner] Triggering HHH w/ CP and random perks

    Hey guys! So I should probably preface this by saying I'm a complete beginner when it comes to map-making. I'm working on my first one, actually. Done with the actual world building (Surf!), adding speed triggers, teleports, and now all I had left was adding in the game mode and interesting...