snark's resource thread post dump


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Mar 31, 2009
ABS Strikes Again

Edit: ah a doorpack?!. Well glad I didnt get started :p
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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Also, I'm open to ideas on other things to prefab. But keep in mind they need to be entity things with specific inter-connected logic that needs to be unique.


L1: Registered
Jun 14, 2009
You CONTINUE to make things that make my life so much easier when it comes to mapping.

Thank you so much!


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
Boojum: Eventually are you going to just make maps for us? I mean, you already have given us the gametypes and model libraries, the FGD, and now this. Next up should be pre made control points to alter, erm, what else? :p:p

You really do too much for us!


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
Boojum: Eventually are you going to just make maps for us? I mean, you already have given us the gametypes and model libraries, the FGD, and now this. Next up should be pre made control points to alter, erm, what else? :p:p

You really do too much for us!

He's working on Stormcaller.

Now let the man work.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Could you make Train prefabs?
Funny story there, assuming you mean the Well trains.

That was actually the original reason I was going to do this pack, because I saw so many people asking about how to make them. However once I got into it I realized how complex the trains are to account for so many situations, and I wasn't sure if it was worth making a prefab for when there were so many variables. (one way/both ways, number of tracks, skybox meshing or no)
So it's still mulling around in my head. We'll see if I decide to figure out a decent way to prefab it.


L1: Registered
Jun 21, 2009
Hi, I used the basic PLR setup from this library, with a couple of small modifications, in plr_lumberyard.

I'm hoping that your recent update will fix a bug in the map; I thought I might check that this fix corresponded to my problem:

• Fixed a potentionally map-breaking bug in payload race involving the points failing to be captured.

What I've seen happening is, usually near the end of the game when the final point was about to be capped, someone blocks the cart. Then after they've blocked it and been killed, it's impossible for anyone to push the cart any more. In other words, they are no longer being registered as changes in the number of people pushing. Then the winning team has to watch, nonplussed, as their cart rolls back no matter how many people are on it; giving the opposing team as much time as they need to win the game.

Does this fix relate to this problem?

Also, I'm wondering -- I know you modified the numteamcappers or whatever it was entity for this library, making -1 and 0 have different meanings, if I remember correctly. Is it that you've updated this entity, and that should fix the problem?



A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
It sounds related, but without more info I can't say whether or not it was directly the result of the bug.

and I didn't modify any entities. I can't modify them, that's part of the game code. I can only use what's already coded in, and change what Hammer displays. OnNumCappersChanged2 is unrelated to any capping issues, though.


L1: Registered
Jun 21, 2009
Is there any chance you could elaborate on what you changed in order to fix the payload race error, please? Ideally I'd like to migrate any fixes in by hand, so I'm not copying and pasting in entities and possibly overwriting something else I already changed.

Also -- I don't need to update the FGD in order to make use of any gametype setup changes in this release, do I?

*edited* I may also look into removing the payload race gametype from version 1.1 and version 1.2 and doing a text diff on the vmf files. That should hopefully bring up a fairly concise list of differences.
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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
The two latter t_c_p_round entities, each pair of watchers that goes with them. The math_counter and the logic_case at the bottom of the "stack". All the actually path/point entities for the stages.

Then do an Alt+P to find and remove any remaining dead-end outputs.

Ok I finally did all this, but now I got my track laid down and I went to test it and my carts wont move. I tried changing the priority to 1 but that didnt help either. its like the cart doesnt recognise that im standing by it itll trigger the health, but the hud wont display number of people(does the plr hud even show that??)