U.S. Map Testing - Saturday June 6

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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
TF2Maps.net Official US Server:
Gameday Host: Shmitz

Event will begin at:
Central European Summer Time: 6:00 PM
UK (British Summer Time): 5:00 PM (GMT+1)
Eastern Daylight Time: 12:00 PM
Central Daylight Time: 11:00 AM (GMT-5)
Mountain Daylight Time: 10:00 AM
Pacific Daylight Time: 9:00 AM

START | RUN | MAP | AUTHOR | DOWNLOAD | FEEDBACK 1100 1700 |30|pl_nuclear_a4|Mashpotatoe| TF2Maps.net | pl_nuclear thread 1130 1730 |30|pl_alpine_beta_200|NiklasU| dl.getdropbox.com | pl_alpine thread 1200 1800 |30|cp_alpinecreek_b1|rawclaw| TF2Maps.net | cp_alpinecreek thread 1230 1830 |30|pl_arroyo_a9c|lustygoat| TF2Maps.net | pl_arroyo thread 1300 1900 |30|ctf_1fort_a4|shpladoink| TF2Maps.net | ctf_1fort thread 1330 1930 |30|cp_dusk_a5|Radaka| TF2Maps.net | cp_dusk thread 1400 2000 |30|pl_borax_b2|Fearlezz| TF2Maps.net | pl_borax thread

Map Submission Format
  • Required: Map Filename (ctf_example_a4)
  • Required: TF2Maps.net file ID number, OR url to offsite download.
    .bz2 archive is preferred, but not required. May NOT be a hosting site like mega-upload (wait times, codes, excessive ads, etc).
  • Required: TF2Maps.net discussion thread number.
  • Optional: Available time & your time zone. Only necessary if you aren't available for the whole testing period and wish to attend your map.
  • Optional: Would you like the SourceTV demos of the test? (will be uploaded to here)

Repeat submissions of a map:
Only post the info that has changed.
- You can keep the same TF2Maps.net file number by clicking edit on your file's page and then simply putting a new file in the upload box. This makes it easier for you (don't have to update all your links!), easier for me, and less clutter on the site.
- Discussion thread never changes so only needs to be submitted once.

Submission rules
  • The map must be playable. This means fully functional objective system, proper spawns, non-fullbright, etc. The purpose of gameday is to help authors refine their designs, not catch newbie bugs.
  • Filename must be all lowercase. (ctf_example_a1.bsp, NOT CTF_Example_A1.bsp)
  • Submission deadline is 4 PM CDT, 1 day prior.
  • Submissions for will be on a first come, first served basis.
  • You may NOT reserve a submission without a download.
  • Please limit your submission changes. Updating your submission version is allowed if an important issue is discovered, but don't submit early if you will be updating every day with a new version.
  • When editing a submission for update/reservation, please make a new post to note that you have done so.
  • Standard maps receive 30 minutes playtime, arena maps receive 15. An extension may be requested for more mature non-arena maps in need of fine tuning.
  • Testing will be limited to ~3.5 hours each day.
  • The map author may request a team scramble after at least two complete rounds have been played.

Multiple submissions per author
  • A specific map version may NOT be submitted to more than one day.
    The exception is mature maps in need of fine tuning. It is preferred you request for an extension rather than a double-booking, however, you may with the following rules:
    - Make ONLY ONE submission post, in the main day you want.
    - In that post specify the other day, and your map may be slotted in, at the admin's descretion, schedule permitting.
    - Double-bookings will not receive time extensions.
  • Different maps from the same author (ctf_example, ctf_eggsample) are permitted on the same day if there is space, but maps from other authors come first. If submitting more than one, please specify which should take priority, or simply submit on seperate days.
  • Different game modes of the same map (ctf_example, cp_example) are only permitted on different days.
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 2, 2009
Name cp_alpinecreek_b1
Download1533 here
Thread umm haven't moved beyond here yet 7006
Time 1:00 EST is best
Source TV Sure, I like to view things over again.


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
Download: 986
Time: As soon as possible, but not the first map.
Discussion ID : 5906
SourceTV: Yes please.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
It's not like you can't submit to another day. >_> Even if you can't be there, isn't text feedback and a demo better than no testing at all? I think getting close to the sun made you a little silly!


L420: High Member
May 24, 2009
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L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
I have updated my map to pl_nuclear_a4. Download number is still the same.
Sorry for the inconveniance :)
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