US Gameday - Friday, December 17


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
655 Official US Server:
Gameday Host: Okrag

Event will begin at:
Central European: 11:00 PM
UK: 10:00 PM
Eastern: 5:00 PM
Central: 4:00 PM
Mountain: 3:00 PM
Pacific: 2:00 PM
Click for other zones.

30|pl_boundary_rc2|honeymustard| Dropbox | pl_boundary thread
30|cp_kanye_a1a|Nerdboy| | cp_kanye thread
20|koth_vesuvius_b1|Gonfin| | koth_vesuvius thread
15|cp_activate_a3a|BrokenTripodTurret| Dropbox | cp_activate thread
30|cp_shaft_a3a|DaMan| | cp_shaft thread
Download the complete pack here: Dropbox (42.0 MB .zip)

Map Submission Format
Required: Exact Map Filename (ctf_example_a4)
Required: file ID number, OR url to offsite download.
__BZ2 compressed files are greatly appreciated to save time for the host.
__May NOT be a hosting site like mega-upload (wait times, codes, excessive ads, etc).
First time submissions, Required: discussion thread number.
__My scheduling system uses this number, I need it, not the post number. (picture)
If you need a specific time slot: Available time & your time zone.
__Only use if you aren't available for the whole testing period and wish to attend your map.
If your submission is a single stage out of a multi-stage map, please mention this. (orphaned stage)
If you are a donator with upload abilities, please say if you have already uploaded the map.

Testing options
• A time extension may be requested for mature non-arena maps in need of fine tuning (this includes orphaned stages).

You can keep the same file number by clicking edit on your file's page and then simply putting a new file in the upload box. This makes it easier for you (don't have to update all your links!), easier for me, and less clutter on the site. (picture)

The map must be playable. This means fully functional objective system, proper spawns, not fullbright, etc.
__The purpose of this testing is to help authors refine their designs, not catch newbie bugs.
Filename MUST be versioned. (ctf_example_a1.bsp, NOT ctf_example.bsp)
__Do not rename a bsp after compile. The vmf must be renamed before compile.
Filename must be all lowercase. (ctf_example_a1.bsp, NOT CTF_Example_A1.bsp)
__Our Linux servers don't work with uppercase names.
Map must be IN DEVELOPMENT, finished maps do not require testing.
Map may NOT use a point_servercommand to alter any variables.
Map must be designed for normal play.
__This means no melee, class restricted, too small for 24 players, or otherwise gimmicky maps.

• You may NOT reserve a submission without a download.
• Non-compliance with rules will result in rejection of the submission.
• If an author has more than one map they want tested, they must be submitted to separate days.

• Submission deadline is 11 PM EST, 1 day prior.
• Maps will get 30 minutes playtime, KotH gets 20, Arena and orphaned stages get 15.
• Submissions will be limited to 3 hours of testing.
Last map can exceed the limit so long as most of the testing happens within the 3 hour period(30 minute test starting at 8:40 GMT is allowed, 30 minute test starting at 8:50 GMT isn't)
Last edited by a moderator:


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Download: 4376
Thread: 15869
I'd like to go second or third. I have uploaded the map.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 23, 2009
Thread: 15441
STV Demo: Yes please

Doesn't matter when I go. Should be fine, if the missing spawn room visualizer was the only problem from A3.


L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
What exactly does "Pakked" mean, and how do I do it?


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
Paking is when you put the custom content in the map into the bsp itself and is normally done with a program such as Pakrat or PackBSP.


Mar 1, 2010
Just wanted to repost this here as it'll be seen more than my map thread:

Wow just watched the demo, I see my problems easily, but damn were some of you pretty harsh about it. Looking at sprout mostly here, there is really no need to be as insulting as you were over an A1 map. I know how to make a decent looking spawn, it's a box for a reason at this stage.

Basically what I'm trying to say here, is IT'S AN A1! Of course it's not that detailed and I have textures mis-aligned, no need to be an asshole and insult me personally about it.

I appreciate those who left useful feedback and critiqued it with an open mind, not just judging it right away and looking for things that are wrong with it. And thanks to Icarus for saying "it's an A1" to sprout.

edit: He already apologized though, so that's good. +1 to him.
Sep 1, 2009
Just wanted to repost this here as it'll be seen more than my map thread:

Basically what I'm trying to say here, is IT'S AN A1! Of course it's not that detailed and I have textures mis-aligned, no need to be an asshole and insult me personally about it.

I appreciate those who left useful feedback and critiqued it with an open mind, not just judging it right away and looking for things that are wrong with it. And thanks to Icarus for saying "it's an A1" to sprout.

edit: He already apologized though, so that's good. +1 to him.

Again I apologise for being and complete and utter asshole and hope to be more polite and probuctive in the future