Capture point problem


Mar 1, 2010
I'm sure it's something glaringly obvious that I'm missing here, but for some reason, even though I have 2 CP's, when I cap the first, it says all control points captured and ends the game.

It's the first stage of a soon-to-be multi-stage A/D map. Red controls the first two points. On cap of blue on the first point, it ends the game.

Another question, is which team is considered 1 and 2 in hammer? This might be part of my problem, as I doubled up outputs for the CP's temporarily to cover all bases. But I have the point unable to be capped for Red, so it shouldn't come into play.

My outputs on cap are the CP skin change and a time extension. Index numbers are 0 and 1.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 26, 2009
Yeah, i got this problem a little bit back. Did you copy and paste the Points?

Download the Prefab pack that was made, and copy/paste a control point from there, or any map really, it should fix your problem in a very easy fashion.