Need Some NYC Styled Subway Assets


L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2016
I wanna be able to make a NYC inspired Subway Map and I was hoping to utilize the already existing Brick Textures mixed in with some customized versions of those same textures with Wear and Tear on them, along with some Bathroom Wall tile Textures that not only blend in with these aforementioned default textures, but are the type you'd see in a classic run down old subway station, (With any recommendation to a Graphitti Packs that I can overlay Ontop of that.)

From What I remember living in New York So long ago, I'm going to need Some Reds, Some Blus, Some Darkish Green, and A Reddish Brown. (I could Also Use some Directory to A Subway Car Train Model in it's Classic Grey, If Such a Model exists, for a Substitute Train Obstacle.)

For Examples Of the Textures I'm Talking about, I have some Picks for Reference:




I hope I can be able to get the model with possible animations with Sparks Speeding Down a lane, If Possible.


I also need a Variance of this Texture where there are Notable appearances of bricks, but it is almost all completely white-ish Grey, As well as One that has all the Seams of Brick laid in but is also all grayish white for the Inner walls of the Archway of the Subway tunnel, (with a Hopefully appropriately color blending Ceiling Texture. For some Varying Textures to display.

  • Got Subway Cart
  • Need A terrain Texture, Most Common to Concrete Jungles in NYC. (As there Usually is no
    "Dirt" in terms of Desert variants anyway.)
  • Need A gate/fence Texture Design Modeled after this Sort of Scaffolding

    (The Main Face You see Up Top, with Matching Textures to wrap around with.)
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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
If you want these assets made for you, you will have to make an alpha version of the map first and then if people like it enough you might be able to get the assets. (maybe, probably not though)

People don't like working for free if there is no guarantee that the map will actually be made (and no guarantee that the map will be any good for that matter)

If you really want these assets made then you could learn how to do it yourself. That might actually be better than getting someone else to do it as you will be able to make the assets exactly as you want them.


Aug 14, 2009
Look for the Koth King assets, too. Many of those would work well for texturing a subway. There's even a warning yellow tile.

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
In fact there’s a subway station on pass_district, a map in game. Check that out in tf2 or maybe even poke around on the decompiled version- it uses mostly soho assets like mentioned and I’m pretty sure it uses the subway model freyja mentioned


L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2016
If you want these assets made for you, you will have to make an alpha version of the map first and then if people like it enough you might be able to get the assets. (maybe, probably not though)

People don't like working for free if there is no guarantee that the map will actually be made (and no guarantee that the map will be any good for that matter)

If you really want these assets made then you could learn how to do it yourself. That might actually be better than getting someone else to do it as you will be able to make the assets exactly as you want them.

Will Do Lad, I'm just playing around with Designs for the map to make it more interesting.