
MVM Skullcove Final

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Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
This is already the case. In fact, it goes about 64 over the edge by now. I think this has to do with some other bug which ill have to find out. This is regardless of the spot where they stand.

Make sure that it covers the entirety of their spawn and is touching the ground, and that the Team parameter is set to Blue in the options menu.

The patches is indeed a todo. im aware of that, and the healthpacks didnt have the halloween model due to halloween mode being off. Still, if there is a permanent way to enforce it on on the map i would like to know it.

In the options menu for the healthpacks, set the Model parameter to Hallow'een

Stuff about a forward respawn.

If it's by design that it's difficult to upgrade mid-wave, then that's fine, the forward upgrade is best avoided for this mission, I do agree though that lengthening the gaps between sub-waves some would help with the problem that the only mid-wave upgrades seem to be when players die.

However, I still think it'd be worth you adding one to the map. Even if the Nightmare difficulty is the default mission for your map, you've still got at least three other missions for your map (Normal, Intermediate, Advanced) where a forward upgrade station being opened up in-between waves would not go amiss. Even if you keep it locked for the duration of the Nightmare mission. In the end, I'm only suggesting a forward upgrade station for player's convenience, it's not necessary, but the handful of maps I've seen that included one, it was definitely appreciated.


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008


And about the forward upgrade station. I already got an idea how i could add one without even making it show up in wave 666. Now i just have to make one similar to above and put it at a spot it wont affect fps too much.

(it contains alot of prop_dynamic's. Its the only way to show the weapons. and since this is being locked off with area portals it wont harm normal gameplay - its the same thing as valve did on ghost town)


L1: Registered
Dec 19, 2010
Hey, it's nice to see the map now with textures instead of mostly orange. However, I think you forgot one spot.



Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Dont worry, there were a few more untextured places. The area you showed is already done for the next version.

The reason i waited with those in that version was because originaly it had some issues and for that reason needed more testing.

Also, the 2 spawns as they are now:
This one is a bit flat due due to the roof being a bit low on the outside. Its also not fully detailed as it needs a bit more on its sides.
This one had more room and for that reason had a higher roof. it also has a bit more detail with the extra room.
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Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
RC1 is now released.

The changes:
- Added more detail (mostly inside the spawn)
- Popfiles renamed and default changed
> Normal is now Nightmare and the new default
> Advanced is now Horror
> Expert removed due to being untested and having some issues.

2 bugs have been noticed after i already made it public.
The first is that when you load normal that the last wave is (way) too easy which is fixed in the nightmare version. This was mainly that the push of heavies and demoman was ended while still getting 4 soldiers. This push is now a bit longer and has the hazard of a tank.
The 2nd is some clipping bug

Both already have been fixed for rc2 or the final release (depends on it if we find more bugs and how big they are).

And at some point i made a special version with fading distances removed to get some nicer screens:







Its minimal but at least shows the map a bit more to how people see them ingame when standing on the ground level.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2012
I just played this. We got surprisingly far for a random pub team.... after our medic went something different. I like this map for its look and the wave 666 vibe. Its also more challenging than the original ghost town wave 666, because there are less safe spots and a wider variety of paths. What I mean by safe spots is there the more obvious spaces get overrun pretty easily. Smaller fences, longer walls. An engi has to think on his feet to find places that will hold the line.

Good map. I enjoyed it :)


L1: Registered
Dec 28, 2013
Hi, UKCS-Alias

I just wanted to let you know that several of the players on my server enjoy this map very much.
And that they would like more maps like it in the future.
You've obviously put a lot of work into it and I think it's a really amazing map.
Keep up the good work. You have some talent.

Sincerely Point117


L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
Apologies for the necro :)

We've just started running this map 24x7 on a server in Australia and it's great fun.

However we regularly encounter a bug where the server goes into some weird state pre-game where players don't respawn if they die (e.g. if they fall into the hole that leads to the giant skull), and live players appear to not be holding any weapons and can't fire (pressing M1 makes them twitch like they're going to fire but nothing happens).

It doesn't happen all the time but almost always happens after a few hours (of failures).

Restarting the map using a vote doesn't fix it but changelevel mvm_skullcove_rc1 does.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?

We also run a bunch of 24x7 Ghost Town (Wave666) servers and have never seen this issue before.


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Apologies for the necro :)

We've just started running this map 24x7 on a server in Australia and it's great fun.
However we regularly encounter a bug where the server goes into some weird state pre-game where players don't respawn if they die (e.g. if they fall into the hole that leads to the giant skull), and live players appear to not be holding any weapons and can't fire (pressing M1 makes them twitch like they're going to fire but nothing happens).

It doesn't happen all the time but almost always happens after a few hours (of failures).
Thats a new issue to me and it sounds like it could have to do with the popfile changes they made at some point (during 2cities they added some new triggers popfiles can use).
But then again, in my tests we didnt get past 2 hours of testing and that was only once. Although that was still by winning missions.
Restarting the map using a vote doesn't fix it but changelevel mvm_skullcove_rc1 does.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?
That a restart doesnt fix it is simply becaues it loads a difirent state from the popfile. While in this case something inside the map itself went odd.
We also run a bunch of 24x7 Ghost Town (Wave666) servers and have never seen this issue before.
I however still do remember that ghost town used to have issues aswel (more common than other missions due to more rounds lost). And that was that bot remained in their playerslot. It potentialy could be a similar issue.

I hope its possible for you to gather some server console log information when this happens again. It might throw some errors which can explain what happened.


L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
I however still do remember that ghost town used to have issues aswel (more common than other missions due to more rounds lost). And that was that bot remained in their playerslot. It potentialy could be a similar issue.

I hope its possible for you to gather some server console log information when this happens again. It might throw some errors which can explain what happened.

Ah there's one strong hint.

I have a mp_timelimit of 180 minutes for no reason other than to give the server a chance to reset the map via a changelevel.

Right before it glitched today the log shows:

L 08/18/2014 - 02:51:33: World triggered "Game_Over" reason "Reached Time Limit"

But the map didn't actually change.

I can confirm this was the case in all of the previous instances where the map has glitched.

Any ideas what might be stopping the map from changing?

Not sure if this is relevant but after the Game_Over event the bots are stuck in various places, including underground/dead, but eventually all join Spectator.

In any case I'll remove the timelimit to see if that helps.


L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
So this seems easy to reproduce:

mp_timelimit 1
tf_mvm_min_players_to_start 1

Wait 20 seconds so the timer runs out during the mission, press F4, let it fail.

It'll show the loss panel with "Map change on round end" in the top right corner.

Then instead of changing the map you'll be back in spawn, unable to shoot, if you die you won't respawn, and you can't F4 to start the mission.


L3: Member
Jul 28, 2010
I'd like to applaud you on your quick deduction skills goosmurf, that's really quite amazing!

Alias, you should double check all of your entities and cross check them with those on the decompiled maps. It's definitely got to be one of the game logic entities that usually come bundled together.

Maybe it's the game_round_win doesn't force map reset?
Maybe game_timer doesn't reset time on round restart?

I'm going to guess it's one of the above two entities honestly.


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
There are actualy more entities but i think its indeed something like that so ill have to check that out.

The reason i never have seen it would be because i usualy have mp_timelimit 9001337 on my server since before it actualy would allways change the map on round loss (on the valve maps) which was just anoying when creating custom popfiles in which you often lose.

Edit: A few things i have checked:
  • The round_win entity matches rottenburg and there dont seem to be other gamemode depending entities. Mannhattan does have a control point master but since my map doesnt have CP's its not needed and rottenburg doesnt have one.
  • The map switched properly on a local server. It went from skullcove rc1 to decoy (which is the default next map for me).
  • On my own dedicated server it went bogus. I did see the end game window on which it normaly would change maps, instead i respawn (with weapons) but once dead i remain dead. I also kept the upgrade status.
  • However, on bigrock the EXACT same thing happened. And this was the map i originaly did check the map entity work from.
Although my server was configured to avoid mapchange votes and only allow votes for a diffirent gamemode that shouldnt be the problem. However, It still could be other parts of my server config (which were ment to avoid valve maps altogether in any vote) but could you do some tests aswel to see if other maps have the same issue. Being both custom and valve maps. I wouldnt be surprised if its wrong in there. I cant just trust my server config alone on this since in your case a valve map worked.
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L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
Just wanted to say thanks for looking into this. I have a busy few days ahead but I will test this time limit situation with some stock maps as soon as I can.

FWIW I am using this as my missioncyclefile:

    "categories" "1"
        "count" "1"
            "map" "mvm_skullcove_rc1"
            "popfile" "mvm_skullcove_rc1"

Which is the same as I use for our Ghost Town servers so I wouldn't think it's the cause of this problem but you never know :)

Anyways I'll get back to you ASAP to confirm whether stock MvM maps have the time limit issue.


L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
So I ran the exact same config above with 3 maps: mvm_skullcove_rc1, mvm_ghost_town, and mvm_mannworks.

tf_mvm_min_players_to_start 1
mp_timelimit 1

so that the timelimit would expire during the round.

Skullcove got stuck as we know but both of the Valve maps progressed to the "next" map fine (I re-used the same missioncylefile but changed the lone map to each of the above).

So it seems there is something peculiar to Skullcove that is causing this bug :(


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
But then i also wonder, do other custom maps have the issue aswel? For example mvm_underground.

There might be something else besides the missioncycle causing issues, or maybe the custom missioncycle is the exact issue. That i replicated it on a valve map doesnt have to say a thing as i for example might have done something else with my config.

Especialy since i replicated it on a valve map i suspect there could be something else being the issue, but i dont know what that could be.


L1: Registered
Sep 22, 2012
Hmmm I tested it with mvm_bigrock just now and that worked correctly! Damnit :)

Any other ideas?