PIPEBALL Pipeball (Event)


The Asylum

Oh, sure. Why not? Like I've got anything better to do (like finish Checkpoint).

The goal, I'm sure you've got this idea by now, is to hit the phys ball into the other team's goal pipe, or in this case, unearthed graves. Same first to three scoring system, with a forced respawn after a goal. Big difference between this and Classic is the standard ball is the kill-on-contact Black Ball, and the special tiebreaker round ball is... well, I'm not so sure on a final idea yet, but the general effect it'll have is the Scare/Stun effect on anyone who touches it. That and the Horseless Headless Horsemann will spawn at the same time will REALLY whittle down the players on the field. Zepinaihah's ghost from Harvest Event will be making an appearance too, coming out to haunt the field every so often.

No playable release yet, but I'm really hoping to finish up before the next Halloween update. All I really have to do is create a spawnroom and a back building for BLU, and a skybox.
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L2: Junior Member
Aug 13, 2011
I like it! Another fresh idea to break the endless standard gamemodes.
with a forced respawn after a goal
I tried forcing respawns in my map too but failed to do so. How is it possible?

The Asylum

There's an entity called game_forcerespawn. Just send this a ForceRespawn from whatever, and it'll reset all players back to their spawnpoints. Any Engineer buildings, like Sentries, will be destroyed though

The Asylum

Finally got a whole weekend off, so im really really really gonna try to finish this silly map soon. On with the new screens!


Despite the map being called Pipeball, there are no pipes. The ball is served through a spoooooooooky eeeeeevil cloud.



Scoring or falling into the grave-goals also releases a spooooooooooooky eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil cloud, complete with spoooooooooooky eeeeeeeevil shrieks

And the spooooooooooooky eeeeeeeeeeevil tiebreaker round? Gentlemen, meet the Pumpkin Ball.


The Asylum

Never.... played... Pipeball? We must fix this, yes we must.

But anyway, for those that played the original Pipeball (Not Pipeball Classic, but this crappy map), you'd remember that while the spawnrooms themselves were restricted to enemy players, the niches at the sides of the rink were fair game for anyone. Since I've got something similar to that with PBE here, should I do the same thing, and only deem the spawn buildings themeselves off limits to enemy players? I think that would help alleviate the chronic Snipan Gaems that usually happen on PBC. On the other hand, I don't wanna deviate too far from PBC, more than I have already of course


L1: Registered
Jun 16, 2011
Oh man, I want this so much.

I'll go ahead and give a piece of crappy screenshot-based feedback and say that it looks like it would be pretty hard to judge how far away it is. Maybe making it not look exactly the same from any angle would be great.

Pumpkin ball looks good though.

The Asylum

oh boy im getting so much done today


Finally got around to building a spawn area for BLU.


Here's the whole map, sans skybox. Zep's ghost is on one of his wandering routes.

All that remains to be done now is make more inscriptions for the tombstones, and build a skybox, and then we're pretty much done. I don't know if I'll be releasing an alpha/beta/rc build, I really dont wanna ruin the novelty. Besides, I've done Pipeball lots of times before, what could possibly go wrong? :p

The Asylum


look at me ma im a critic

I've somehow managed to break the Horsemann, so finishing this up may take awhile longer

The Asylum



And that about does it for tombstone ideas. I need three more. Anyone wanna help me out here?


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
There's already a tombstone for the tenth class, bro.

The Asylum

oh yes, the tauntswitch. why did they have to fix it

when was the last time valve fixed the civillian pose? Can it still be done?


I'm so happy :D
Dec 21, 2010
I am in LOVE with the details :wow:

A discount cemetary? Thats hillarious!
The gravestones are funny as well

And if you need more tombstones: GAYPENIS just closed his youtube channel :(

EDIT: Now that i look at it, i think you might wanna poot more beams on those buildings :p
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The Asylum


Now all that remains is making a skybox, fixing up doors and spawnroom visualizers