Thoughts about last test:
Point A was defended, then steamrolled. I blame the teams. A bit too much of the fighting was between the castle and spawn exits, so I should make exiting the spawn easier. The full healthkit was helping defenders more than attackers, so I'll consider removing it if it keeps doing that.
Point B was 6v4+1afk, with the 6 players just having rolled A, so here i blame the teams only
Point C had some nice fighting on it, however after capping point the blu team ran off the wrong way and also was distracted for a long time by 2 red players. I'll remove health inside the castle at C so that after it's capped, red has no resources there. Also I think I should make some of the area in front of the castle exit red-only area so that blu picks up the correct direction faster. If that won't be enough, I might move the cap inside the house so that correct path will be clearly visible from the point. The wooden support props in the upper attacker path were a bit too nice for the hiding scout there, I'll replace them with chickenwire. Chickenwire fixes everything.
Point D had blu team distracted and red pushing forward. Blu got behind the extending red a few times so I think after fixing C, D should become better as well. I should make the cave sidepath more viable tho.
Point E... i dunno. The blu team came in, killed everyone, and capped it. I'll see if it happens again before doing anything. I do know that with the point tightened up, I don't want the roof to be accessible.
Point F was way too hard, stopping a team that just rolled E for 10 minutes. I think that 10 minutes of playing it was the main reason some players left when a minute was left. That wouldn't happen if E was defended at least for a while tho so I'll see if E gets overrun again before doing anything about it. Most of the time, the blu team couldn't press red good enough. I believe that was happening because red has 2 healthkits and a spawnroom nearby, while blu only has health in the second floor that takes time to get to. I saw blu running around courtyard looking for health more often than i'd want it to happen. I'll make another path up to health in the middle tower. Also I'll lower sidepaths into throne room so that more classes can get there from below, it doesn't provide strong high ground against the tower exit there, and engies could put tele there to make it crouchjumpable (a trick I liked very much in one of the earlier versions of advection). I'll also add small health so attackers can stay there instead of being forced to drop down and run away in search for health.