Help me make a map!


Mar 1, 2010
I would honestly suggest a simpler map for your first go at it. Make a KotH or Arena map. I promise you that you will have much more success with it, and learn enough to move on to a more complex map, or a better KotH/ Arena map next time.

Start small, baby steps.


Sep 11, 2013
Ah, but you don't capture just SOME of the flags, you capture 3 in total, and they change EACH time, so its not CSF. its technically different flags but each flag can only be captured once, either the location is changed or the old flag is blocked off. And its only a one way goal, so its still somewhat different. This is how it works - red wins if blue fails to capture all 3 Intel within the time limit, blue wins if they capture the Intel. Red cant cap Intel.
In short, its like dustbowl and gravelpit, attack/defense, but with Intel. so you could call it control-point-flag xD

and once again with the stupid obvious questions...


whats vertex edit

that's what csf is

Freaky Fish Guy

L1: Registered
Aug 23, 2011
not my point. the point is that CSF is an inaccurate title to the map. you dont capture some of them. technicalities are a bitch.

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
I would honestly suggest a simpler map for your first go at it. Make a KotH or Arena map. I promise you that you will have much more success with it, and learn enough to move on to a more complex map, or a better KotH/ Arena map next time.

Start small, baby steps.

This. Once you have a small, simple map under your belt (however bad it may be), you'll have learned enough about the workings of hammer and the process of bringing a map to completion to make a more ambitious project.

The difficulty of designing for different gametypes ranges from CTF/KOTH/Arena maps (usually small, simple, symmetrical) to large, asymmetrical CP and PL maps that require a very well though out design to play well and require quite a bit (compared to CTF) of entity work. Start with the simpler maps to learn the ropes.

Also, if you haven't already, check out the gametype library in the Mapping Resource Pack: it'll make your job easier if you don't understand hammer.


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
I don't think anyone on these forums can say anything else in this thread than what has already been said.

New mappers definitely need to just get to grips with the World Editor they're using in a simple format, making stuff just for fun to learn the basic ways of working. Then move up slowly and get better at what you're doing, making more and more complex/interesting things as you move forward. It's the same as learning to walk, you have to be able to crawl safely before you're able to balance yourself to stand and walk. You then need to be able to balance and control yourself at increasing speeds before you can run.