Sorry for the wait. I was working on a few things and i just had to cut my losses and scrap a few of them.

Removed bottom route out of spawn.
Removed concrete area that goes to mid and replaced it with displacements
Worked on optimization a ton.
Removed a lot of prop spam.
Reduced height advantage in the side route next to the point.
Detailed spawn a bit. (blue spawn may look a bit off because of last minute changes)
Massively changed the first courtyard.
Changed pickup locations to help benefit attackers.


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I wasn't satisfied with the previous versions of koth_yogurt's aesthetics and scaling.

So I reworked most of the map and tried to give it more of a personality.

Reworked mid. (again)
Remade spawn completely.
Worked on widening and making the map feel like a valve map.
Reworked the second courtyard to help make the gameplay more dynamic.
Added a wild animal >:)
Did some optimization work.
some clipping.

There are some minor changes from these screenshots (mainly aesthetic)
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Completly redid skybox and sealing to stop those nasty visual bugs.
Majorly changed mid.
Changed scaling across the map.
Changed name to koth yogurt.


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Added no entry textures to the respawn room visualizers.
Added patch overlays under the pickups.
Reworked mid.