
Winterspring a3

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Winterspring a3

A PL map set high in the mountains

This is a PL map with 4 checkpoints (I've used the PL-template found elsewhere on this site - big thanks to the people that put together the SDK pack it's super helpful!)

Known bugs:

- PL cart stops at checkpoint 3, players need to step out of the trigger and back again to re-trigger the push

  • Capturing the first checkpoint will open a new access path for both teams
  • First forward spawn for Blu team is activated after reaching the second checkpoint, this will also push back the Red spawn
  • Second forward spawn for Blu team is activated after reaching the third checkpoint, this will also push back the Red spawn

All types of feedback is welcomed, don't be shy!

Invalid nick
First release
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Latest updates

  1. Fixed bad spawn for blu after cp1, and other fixes...

    Winterspring A3 changelist: -fixed issue with bad Blu spawn after capturing first objective -moved red spawn when capturing second objective -updated first Blu forward spawn -added some textures near the final capture point -various bug fixes
  2. Playtest feedback update

    - added more arrows - decreased spec on materials - removed the snow in that one place - fixed some issues with spawn closets -fixed issue with pl getting stuck for 5sec after capturing 3rd objective - updated clipping in some areas - hopefully...
  3. Some layout changes, some material and model updates

    -Updated forward spawns for Red and Blu team -More player clip -Some new props/materials