[VScript Prefab] Payload Control Point Finale rc1
As seen in pl_odyssey!
As seen on pl_odyssey! This prefab VMF and VScript file allows a Payload map to have a Control Point finale.
Installation Instructions
- Copy the contents of prefab_pl_cp_last.vmf to your VMF. Change the index of the cp_final control point entity to one higher than your number of control points (e.g. 5 for a 4CP payload map). Make sure to edit its name if you would like, since that's the one that will show up in the HUD when captured!
- Put pl_cp_last.nut in tf/scripts/vscripts (or an equivalent in tf/custom)
- Add an OnPass output to a path_track with the input cart_swap_to_CP -> Trigger where you would like the HUD to swap and the control point to enable.
Known Issues (important!)
This won't work for multistage Payload maps. Maybe I'll update it to do so later!- License
- Credit is required. Permission to modify optional.