
undone a13a

-Mostly just changes to the layout on B to make it easier (hopefully) for RED to defend via holding and not constantly pushing. Will try redesigning the lobby area in the near future if it's not super interesting.
-Lowered B Cap time to 7 seconds from 8
-Reduced Respawn Wave Timers for both teams during Point B
-Minor layout changes to B
-Reduced B's cap time to 8 seconds from 14
-Increased A's cap time to 25 seconds from 22
-Minor capture point timer tweaks / amt of time capping A adds
-Minor changes to B based off of feedback
-Fixed up sloppy brushwork (tiny holes in the map)
-Slight modifications to blu's spawn
-minor changes made based off of feedback
-Lots of layout changes, hard to properly describe
-Modified the capture point areas for both a and b based off of feedback.
-Reduced cap time for a and slightly increased b's cap time
-Changed b's layout slightly to prevent unfair falls from the blue team's perspective
-Removed death pits
-Modified Respawn Wave Timers / Cap times for both points
-Changed A's layout as well as B's
-Other minor changes related to glass and windows and pickups
-Added more direction on where to go when the round starts for the red team.
-Changed the water texture at last
-Slightly reduced red team's respawn wave timers.
-Changed the location of Red's starting spawn
-Modifed B to give Blue more angles of attack, making it easier to push.
-Redid the lighting, hopefully there's no more annoyingly dark areas within buildings
-Changed routing onto A to prevent unfair pyro pushes
-Extended the area around A outwards to give attackers more space when attacking.
-Minor changes to allow attackers more degrees of movement when attacking A
-A little cliffside is added so that Attackers can have a second chance if they get airblasted / knocked back down to the death trigger.
-Extended cap times for both points
-Redid Red's spawn on last to account for the addition of an additional exit.
-Fixed an issue where players could get injured by the opposing team through the setup gates.
-Fixed some clipping issues.
-fixed the absence of a respawn room visualizer at red team's last spawn