Some more mid tweaks comin' your way in this probable final Alpha version



Reworked main entrances onto point, pushing them further to the center and shrinking the area the point actually takes up, making it no longer possible to have sniper duels on it's extreme length.



Added a new side flank for fun antics and better pushing power against a team all up in your grill.


And last and most importantly for those with broken spacebars, stairs have been added to the "Previously a object jumpy area" area.

Other than that, various tweaks, fiddlings and fucking around with sightlines to hopefully make Snipers not constantly headshot you through a tiny hole in the wall.
You thought this map dead, but it's back with a vengeance.



The map has now been mirrored on both sides, making it slightly less confusing whenever you swap teams, as well as making the Mid (hopefully) more interesting.


Mid has been shrunken, redesigned and fucked around with, fixing a lot of sightline issues that plagued the previous version, but with new, slightly less bullshit spots for Snipers to make up for it.


Spawn areas for both teams had a quick art pass and alterations to make players stop hammering their -explode bind the second they look at them.


The main room onto point got a extra entrance, making it slightly harder for Engineers to camp in here.
After nearly half a year of not touching the map, I came back and did a massive overhaul of it, streamlining the layout and gameplay to hopefully make a much better KOTH map experience.


Mid has been redesigned, reducing Scout's advantage via abusing props and ledges for quick getaways, as well as removing the various steps and ramps, making it a more pleasant travelling experience for slower classes.

Shack has been removed, as it provided too good a hold position for the defending team.

Sniper Balconies have been added to the far side of each point, giving Snipers more options for where they want to headshot dudes from.

Point area has been redesigned, providing more cover for a attacking team.


Spawn has been redesigned, making navigation much more simple and correctly guiding players to the intended main route, instead of confusing users. Furthermore, several flank routes that led to flank routes that led to flank routes have been removed, aiding flow onto the main point.


"Long Flank" has been completely redesigned, changing from a pointless detour that dumps you in a terrible spot on the map, to a strong sniping position and hold spot at the expense of travel time.


The main entrance to the point, the "Pillar Room" has been removed, replaced with more open and simple staircase room, as well as the redesigned spawn making it see more use.



Comparison shots of the "old" version, shown on top, and the "new" version on the bottom.
Mostly a quick readjustment of the rollouts this edition.


Only major change to Mid was splitting the single staircase into two, for better flow on the lower area of the map.


No more Door into rollout, as I felt this was causing people to be a bit too cautious heading in there, and thus encouraging the other team to head into it and spawn camp a defensive team.

Note the addition of a extra route into the side flank, for sneakier flanking if you do happen to get spawn camped.


It leads to a dropdown, allowing you to flank around.
Here's another big change to the mid flow, one of these is going to work, I swear.


First is the addition of some more height advantage for Defenders in the spawn rollout, go build some sentries.


No more shutter doors onto mid! (again), also the addition of a Sniper Balcony should hopefully add some more excitement to pushes, as well as give them something to do other than be killed having to stand next to people they're sniping.


General readjustments of sightlines all over the map to accommodate for the new balcony, hopefully ensuring pro Sniper mains don't get too suddenly threatening, as well as a widening of the main entrances onto the point, reducing the effectiveness of just dumping Sentries onto the point further.


After realizing the current split entrance was too confusing for new players, it's been converted into a single simple staircase, which serves basically the same purpose as a more surprise 3rd route/escape route.

The shack has been converted into a proper shack, reducing the effectiveness of just standing on the roofs and spamming at the far entrances, as well as splitting the map up a bit more.


Mid's roof has been opened up, offering Soldiers a chance to bomb down onto the point and clear any defenders.

Minor changes this version also include:

  • Increased the height of the skybox in the rollout, Rocket Jumper Soldiers rejoice.
  • Adjusted spawn times for the teams even more, hopefully reducing defender advantage further on the point.
  • Adjusted some health kits around the map.
  • Reduced time it takes to cap, just a 'lil.
  • Added some (VERY WIP) detailing to spawns to make them less giant empty boxes.
Another Major/Minor change to mapflow this time, in preparation for what I have in mind for the detailing, the side "shack" that breaks up both team's side of the map has been redesigned, allowing much easier access for non-jumper classes, as well as prepping it for what I have in mind for it for the artpass.


Also, all stairs have now been Blockbulleted, for all fans of shooting rockets at staircases.

A minor, but important update, I added a new one way rollout route to the side flank corridor for defenders, allowing them to bypass the main rollout room and flank a aggressively pushing team, instead of being forced to engage them head on.
Complete rework of entrances to mid, and a few minor changes to the point itself, this update.


The campy corridors of death have been removed, replaced with two split entrances to mid from the Pillar room, reducing the effectiveness of just dumping Sentries right next to the point, but still allowing teams to keep a foothold near to the point.


Side walls have been fenced off, and the point's cap radius has been reduced, allowing Demomen cover to take out any sentries on the point, and reducing Scout's mobility on and off the point.


The lower entrances have been reworked, reducing the corridor-ness and allowing for easier pushes out.
Mostly minor changes here and there, mostly changing scale in a few areas to generally help attackers onto the point.
Update mostly focusing on health, both getting onto and around the point, with the addition and changes of healh packs surrounding the point, to make attacking from more angles more viable.


Health and ammo have been added to the Pillar room to reduce having to backtrack if you fight a enemy in here on way to the point.


Door into the mid corridor has been removed, no more stumbling face first into Pyros/Stickytraps. Also Health leading into the point has been changed into a mid, positions of this may be swapped with the pillar room based on playtesting.


Furthest Flank corridor has been given some slight height variation to make it less dull/risky for people taking this route out.


Spawn has been shrunken down, reducing time it takes to get into the important parts of the map by a little.