-added some more height variety to mid
-turned route under the point to a water route
-added more cover around mid
-added rising water to kill players camping in cap area
-raised exit pipe in cap area so you can't accidentally walk into it
-added 2nd jump pad to the upper sniper balcony
-clipping fixes
-tidied up some brushwork
-changed how many max points are added per player from 5 to 3 in hopes of lowering the length of rounds
-changed cap zone opening from every 42 seconds to every 60 seconds
-moved cap zone spawns forward
-added full heal trigger when entering cap zone
-fixed being able to open cap zone exit doors from the outside
-changed how long critz and invulnerability lasts when exiting cap zone
-moved around push brushes on cap zone entrance pipe to try and fix people getting stuck
-rearranged pipe props at mid to bock some sniper signtlines
-set water in main map to all be the same height to avoid visual bugs
-lowered win time countdown from 30 seconds to 5
-clipping fixes
-probably a few other things