
Past 72hr Jam Entry Toto A8

Had to take some time off to clear my head, sorry about that! Here's what's changed:

  • Relic Changes:
    • The effect of the Relic has been changed to provide 8 seconds of speed boost, mini-crits, a defense buff, and marks the carrier for death. The mini-crits and defense buff is AOE-based and will assist nearby teammates, but only the carrier will be marked for death - making them a clear target to the enemy team. Kill the carrier, kill the effect.
    • The tomb is now open from the start and is no longer attatched to the ownership of the control point.
    • Upon picking up the relic, there are now a flurry of audio and visual cues to get the hell out of there, including but not limited to - a recdeing pedestal, closing doors, shooting flames, raising smoke, and hellish rumbling. Once its too late for someone to slide under the doors, anyone left inside will be set ablaze, and once the doors are completely closed, they will be killed. Buildings included.
    • Upon pickup, the carrier will yell the lines they would upon picking up a rare spellbook - but rest assured, it is not a spellbook. God forbid.
    • 30 seconds after the tomb begins to close, it will open again, and anyone can again claim the relic.
    • Slight detailing around the relic to make it even clearer of a focal point. The HUD at round startup will also make note of it. It is there, and you can take it. Please do, because bots won't go near it.
  • Map Changes:
    • Opened up the windows on the Sniper nest/dropdown area on the tomb side.
    • Made the path to the full health kit over the cliff less treacherous and airblast-prone.
    • Shrunk horizontal alley space between spawn and mid by 200 units on each side.
    • Removed window-height lamps on the cliffside Sniper nests.
    • Made steep stairs by the spawns part of an extended platform instead of just stairs.
    • Fixed a clipping issue on the cliffside.
    • Fixed a few displacement issues at mid and in the alleys.
    • Additional areaportals.
    • Further minor detailing at mid.


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This one's a doozy! Lots of gameplay changes and optimization to make Toto the best it can be, while going back to its unique roots without going into full-on Halloween territory that everyone loved to dislike! Here's what's changed!
  • Introducing the Relic! Upon capturing the point, doors to the tomb will raise and reveal the glowing central artifact! First player to collect the Relic, currently using a placeholder model, will be granted with 10 seconds of critical hits and a speed boost, but will be marked for death! Once the Relic is snagged, the doors to the tomb will begin to close, and anyone left remaining in the tomb will be killed off once the doors are closed, including any buildings left behind. The tomb can be re-opened, and the Relic re-collected each time the point is captured.
  • The mid building opposite of the tomb has been rehauled drastically to provide a vantage point on either side, along with a dropdown, and a new layout to the central area providing access to a full ammo kit and a treacherous path to a new full health kit overlooking a deadly cliff.
  • The vantage point buildings added in Alpha 6 have had their windows opened up and a dropdown is now provided to cut out the dead end aspects, as well as an ambush opportunity on any sniper nests.
  • Fixed collisions surrounding the pillars on the point.
  • Completely sealed off each respective area and utilized areaportals to beef up optimization.
  • Removed collisions on the lamp posts throughout the map.
  • Changed clipping on the cap bridges from playerclip to blockbullets.
  • Lighting changes to improve recognition.
  • Slight alpha detailing.
  • Removed crates outside spawn.


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Hey so turns out Chrome was causing all the issues with uploading so here I am on damn Internet Explorer with A6 of Toto! Here's what changed!

- Sectioned off mid with big gates to make it a fully-enclosed arena to cut sightlines, cut vvis, and improve on some gameplay issues.
- Killed a few dominating sightlines on the side opposite of the tomb.
- Added additional cover between the new gate entrance and the point.
- Increased size of the point by 50%.
- Added medium ammo to the structures on either side of the point, next to the gates.
- Removed crates in front of spawn.
- Applied func_nobuild to the point's stairs, as it was possible to make a nearly indestructuable Sentry low on the stairs and peek over the top, slaying any attackers.
- Removed faulty playerclip brush left over from an area rehaul.
- Moved side entrances to the tomb forward to avoid players from immediately running into a dead end prior to the point being capped.
- Fixed a few displacement seams.
- Fixed clipping issues with some tops of buildings.
- Brightened up the paths leading to the point.
- Added directional arrows and light leading players on the main route to the point, while still indicating alternate routes.
- Fixed faulty geometry sticking out where it shouldn't have.
- Continued work on optimization, though the openness of mid is still an issue to be fully tackled.


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Back at it again with another rapid-fire alpha release schedule! Here's what's changed.

  • Spellbook in the tomb replaced with a full healthkit.
  • Spells are now disabled, along with the Halloween holiday effects.
  • Skeletons still spawn from the tomb, but the King no longer drops a spellbook upon defeat.
  • Mid has been rehauled yet again! Based on feedback, the building at mid has been opened up a little bit more while still providing cover to the captors.
  • Various rehauls to the general mid layout.
  • The incline climb at mid has been drastically reduced.
  • Cover at mid has been increased without hindering rocket and sticky jumpers.
  • Increased space around the entrance to the tomb to open it up more to combat and added access to an under-cap route.
  • Increased presence of health and ammo, along with their necessary paint patch overlays.
  • Changed building opposite of the tomb to be more open and useful in general.
  • Fixed a clipping bug where players could stand on the top edge of the surrounding buildings at mid.
  • Added first pass of areaportals.
  • General optimization.


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The previous alpha made during the 72hr Jam was a mistake! But now hopefully things are fixed! It's gone through an extensive rehaul in layout and it should now play a lot better. I'd still like to go into testing this as a map with a gimmick rather than a gimmick map, so feedback encouraging proper gameplay development and making sure it actually plays nice as a map is the main goal! Here's what's changed:
  • Layout of mid expanded and revised immensely, making it a much more open area while also providing lots of variation and cover.
  • Streets between buildings have also opened up.
  • Control Point is now housed in a tomb and additional cover is provided by that.
  • Crypt revised to be more dangerous and less prone to being camped for the rare spell - it's now a treacherous hop and skip across a death pit to get to it and back.
  • Spawns revised to be pushed back and remove sightlines.
  • Attempted optimization, though it is likely not anywhere near where it should be at the moment.
  • Back paths to the crypt have been revised and no longer have direct view to spawns.
  • Various bits of cover added to reduce sightlines.
  • More Frontline assets added.


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