Time To Die

Time To Die 1.1

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Time To Die 1.1

Re-skin for the "Citizen Pain" Mini gun

To use on your own Citizen Pain.

  1. Go to your custom folder (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom)
  2. Create a folder, you can name this folder anything, inside the custom folder.
  3. In this folder, create a "materials" folder, and then a "patterns" folder inside of that. The final file path should be: (C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\"New Folder"\materials\patterns).
  4. In the patterns folder place the 2fort folder
  5. Profit???
Thank you to the group behind the construction content pack. I used some textures to give it a more tf2 feel (textures are harder to make than I expected and after trying to make my own I knew I wouldn't have finished on time).
Rusty Gate
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