TF_BG Pack: Map Menu Backgrounds

72hr Jam 2023 TF_BG Pack: Map Menu Backgrounds 1

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72hr Jam 2023 TF_BG Pack: Map Menu Backgrounds 1

Menu backgrounds utilizing the map_background command.


Maps of various themes designed to be used with the map_background command! I've tried to make as many as I could within the 72 hour time frame ( I did start a tad late, mind you ).

Install Instructions:
Download the map .bsp files included in to your maps folder to check them out, or dig deeper into the .vmf files included in with your Hammer Editor of choice to customize them to your liking.

You can have one of these maps display automatically on game startup by using the map_background command in your autoexec.cfg file. This may make TF2 take longer to reach the menu screen, but I've done my best attempt at keeping the file sizes of each map small to avoid inconvenience.


  • The map "tf_bg0" was made before the 72hr Jam. After showing it to my friends some people had asked me how I made them or if I could make some more personalized ones. The following maps, "tf_bg1" all the way to "tf_bg5" were all made for this jam, but I decided to include tf_bg0 as well for the sake of variety.

  • The featured class is hidden by default, so you will need to recompile the maps yourself with them unhidden if you wish to display a favourite loadout or character.

  • The featured class is also by default using the competitive win stance animations which may not be compatible with some weapons or cause undesirable clipping, you may find a different animation that suits your needs better.

  • Some maps have more detail than others (and boy do I hope the cubemaps compiled), and for that I must apologize. I'm not a particularly skilled mapper and I had to find a good balance between quantity and quality. Many hours were spent visiting my favourite maps of a certain theme either in-game or through the TF2 Wiki and trying to dissect what made them visually unique.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy my entry! It's been a few years since my last entry and quite frankly I'm just happy to be here.

If you use any of these backgrounds yourself, or have taken the idea to crazy new levels with advanced mapping logic, I'd love to see them in use!
Sinful Creature
First release
Last update