Stop That Tank (VScript Gamemode)

Stop That Tank (VScript Gamemode) v1.0.4.1

Updated the Entities.VMF file to include all gamemode entities & logic.
-Set the Tank spawning delay to be on a per map basis (check README for info)
-Added a flag that changes the HUD type from Payload to CP when the Tank is destroyed & Bomb is deployed
-Fixed a bug with the bomb carrier not able to cap a point once the bomb had been dropped prior to being picked up by the player
-Updated Giant spawns to have buffs based on Mann VS Machine buff timer (15secs = Backup effect, 45 seconds = regenerative health, 90 seconds = crits, 180 seconds = concheror effect.)
-Added a new section to the README file to better explain giant mechanics & loadouts
-Fixed Control Points to now work properly when a Tank or bomb-holding player captures them (Woo-hoo!)
-Various other fixes
-Fixed Spy lines to play without delay as a robot
-Fixed plays keeping giant health & ammo on round reset
-Fixed loop and giant sounds playing on round reset
-Various other bug fixes
-All tank & bomb capture points are now required to cap before the bomb can be deployed at the hatch
Fixed viewmodels & tank not appearing and precaching.