
snowflake b3

In this Update:
* More detailing was added.
* Now The Upgrading Station inside Red Spawn Is unique looking not the Standard Upgrade Station prop-model that most mvm maps use.
* a small deathpit was added inside the right building close to the last area. ( for the reason look at the notes )
* Skybox was Improved and now it looks better.
* improved clipping , area portal , hint etc.
* fixed some lighting bugs.
* fixed some general issues with the map.
* added snow particles.
* Normal - Intermediate Missions Were Fixed and improved. now they work a loooot better.
*All robots wear Christmas Hats and cosmetics and hold Festive weapons.

Hey guys!
I decided to take a week in order to work on this map and do a final update or at least i hope its a final one.
the reason i did this is because i didnt feel this map was in a good state and i thought why not fix a few things and improve others?
i want to be proud of this map for all the hours i spent working on it and i am right now. Also I added a few more Features to the map like a deathpit the reason is because i realised that my map had no deathpits for airblasting robots so you can reset the bomb and i was like oh shit lets add at least one , so i did :D
Also This Map was Firstly Designed - Made for the mappers vs machines contest but didnt make it. I was almost certain it would win the Most Creative Place but there is always next time.

Also a week ago I played the map and i noticed that the missions didnt work properly so i fixed them in this version. I was going to make an expert version but i didnt cause firstly i am too bored too and secondly i wanted to fix what i had first before doing something like.

Thats all i got to say for now. I am really proud of the map and i hope you enjoy the new update. I am going to work on pl_cliffedge This week and Fix the last point as soon as i can. Anyway tell me what you think about the map i am really curious to see what you think about the new changes and stuff i did :D

Also Merry Smissmas! ( -6 days early but who cares )


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in this version:
* i updated the map and i enabled the clip . that's it.
In this version:
* The Waves Now Last A lot Longer.
* The Map Is now Fully detailed.
* Fixed Robots not following their holograms arrows.
* fixed many issues with the map.
* Changed some things based on feedback.
* Added More clip etc.
*added more easter eggs on the map + 2 more hidden cows (wearing the santa's hat) for you to find ( now they are 7-8)
*fixed the smoke particle.
*added more ligh in order to make the map more colorfull.

Well that's it. i got no time left to do anything more about the map now.
Overall i got to say it was fun. i always wanted to make an mvm map. In fact i started one on the start of the year and i did some minor things such as the logic and some minor gameplay space just to see if the map works. 4 months later after i completely forgot about the map mappers vs machines come and gives me the opportunity to do finally finish my mvm map. so i made a new map i redone the logic and stuff and i tested how the map played and if you download and see the first version and the last alpha version and now you will see what changed over these months. i want to thank my friends who helped me playtest or even host a server for me which was very well appreciated and other people who helped me with my problems.
Also something to end this note as always , for some reason , if i am not happy with the map or something overall i will delete what i dont want and start from scratch there. you can clearly see it on this map and also my other map pl_cliffedge. related to that i am redoing the first and second point again because i dont like them. i think the first point is unfun to play on and second is just bad. i tried to fix them but i failed so i will try something new. i already set up the plan for them and i love it. you will hear more about cliffedge soon probably this week.

Good luck to everyone who participated,
with love : A completely Random guy who liked trains.
in this version :
i just added the right bsp instead of the wrong this time - lol
previously by accident i uploaded b1a instead of b1 and this version of the map was like 20 days ago so yea.
enjoy the right version of the map this time
The Night Before Christmas, Santa Was Ready to Get all the presents done for all the good kids in the world But! The Robots start attacking Santa's workshop In order to destroy Christmas! You and your best Friends should work as a team to stop robots for doing such a thing and Save Christmas!

you can Find the Workshop Map Link Here:

Also on the map there are 6 cows wearing santa's hat . try to find them. And the First one to find all 6 cows wins absolutely nothing but it's nice to know that you did something before anyone else don't you?

In this version of the map the most noticeable changed are:

*Done some Huuuuuge Changes and i added some great in my opinion features in the map such as the tank can destroy the doors/gates of a building and get through it.
*added a front upgrade station so you dont have to go up and down all the time.
*fixed many issues with the map.
*the map is now optimized.
*added 3d skybox.
*added some easter eggs.
*removed the previous middle area cause i didn't like either how it looked and fitted with the map or the gameplay with it.
*updated the missions
*the Map Is almost fully detailed. - there are some areas with like 0 detail and some other that are fully detailed like that mid building which the tank breaks the doors.
*Made the Map Look prettier.
*added more clip.
*some buildings on the first area where changed in order to be more usefull and more used in general.

in a future update i am thinking to add some christmas related music playing on the spawn and also ( i am not sure if this is actually possible but it would be really cool) a santa flying to the sky with his cowdeers - get it? cause i have some cows wearing deer's hoor hat thing.
in this version:
*fixed waves.
*waves now are more difficult but still easy enough.
*fixed some small issues with the map.
*fixed a lighting problem inside upgrade room-spawn.

i feel like the map is in a very good state and i am very happy with it.
i playtested the day before i post this update and i had a really good team so did the other players. if everything goes as planned the next version will be Beta and it will have advanced mission as well. fingers crossed :D
in This Version:
*First Area And Last Area Were Completely Redone(if you want to compare the changes just look at the first version and the last one.)
*missions were changed.
*Made the Map smaller and more fun to play on.
*fixed most issues.
in this version:
added a new building on the first area of the map.
fixed robots attacking to the spawn.
the building at last point was changed a bit for better gameplay.
made the second place after robots exit the mine-cave bigger.
in this version:
fixed the waves.
fixed a small bug that robots could stuck on their spawn.
waves were changed.
some more changes and fixes were made.
in this version:
fixed the waves - Hopefully :p
Added some textures and details.
added more clip etc.