
- map is halloween now! i hope the map logic works.
- detailing and lighting updates
-fixed clipping, probably
-added spec camera
-changed all ammo packs to full ammo, except ammo by spawn, which is a medium
-added medium health to mid on bridge
-probably forgot some changes because im rushing this out the door
-probably forgot some essential things like soundscapes (definitely forgot) and some clipping (maybe forgot?)
-adjusted cover near points. removed tree, added stack of props. aim is to make point easier to approach as a flank class from head on.
-also added a railing by the point to make countering the balcony attack route more of a commitment.
-added medium health to route under point to incentivize players to use it.
-moved health/ammo by point towards spawn.
-adjusted cover present in the castle to make attacking point a bit easier.
-adjusted lighting in basement and slightly moved health.
-added railing to balcony near point to make accidentally pushing off teammates more difficult.
-added small health/ammo to town route.
-moved tree/rock in town route a bit.
-reduced cover on mid bridge to create sightlines from castle to point.

(didnt update screenshots. im lazy)