This is thrown together pretty quickly; not much changed!
  • Added shelf platforms on either end of ramp
  • Removed some fencing and added ramps in mid lower
  • Removed collision from various signs in the sky
  • Updated some lighting :)
Yet another visual improvement update! I'll be honest, I don't have too many ideas for Skyline. Layout-wise, it's nearly a finished map. This time, I took it upon myself to create and bake custom cubemaps for a number of lacking reflective surfaces. You'll notice tilier tiles, bumpier metal using diamond plating, and some proper reflections on the framing in the x glass.

On top of that, feedback from the last version indicated that the neon around the goals, without much neutral light to assist it, was making it very hard to read which team a player was on. Everyone on the red side looked red, and vice versa. I've added some more white lighting around there and slightly brightened the moon.

Goal explosion particles have been fixed, and an env_shake has been added.

Finally, this is the first of my maps to be compatible with the new stats tracking plugin for 4s PASS Time! All the necessary entities have been renamed so that ball spawns, catapults, and everything else can be tracked by our PUG server.
This update focuses on some basic beautification moves. Packing cubemaps, massively improving the neon lighting, and correcting textures everywhere. On top of that, I raised the ceilings on the side tunnels and added cool futuristic light fixtures underneath.