
Short A3V1A

I want to see if the stacked nature of the map can be preserved, if not; guess I will de-stack it.

Added a point between A and formerly B (now C)
-This new point B gives 3:30 time once capped
-This point is located where A and B join
Added a new spawn for both teams at B (starts off as RED, turns BLU once B is capped)
Signage tweaks
Added the letters to the HUD to help navigation
Removed the shortcut from A to C (RED doesn't spawn at C until B is capped)
A now gives its original 2:30 timer once capped

The original file had a weird problem that didn't allow it to be uploaded onto the bot;
This was due to a single wall being not flush to another, which caused areaportal weirdness that broke lighting without me noticing as shadows still existed (the screenshots are from the old version and look fine)


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BANDAID Lowered entirety of REDside B by 64 hu to (hopefully) make it less domineering
Pushed RED Spawn Back Slightly
Expanded A Forward Slightly
Slightly Increased RED Respawn Time before A is capped (4s->5s)
Changed the Area outside RED Spawn Slightly
Made more overlays pointing to A
Opened up the Area outside BLU Spawn
-Made the left side go to high ground to help block sightlines and to help BLU take control of their lobby
Lengthened a door at B
Simplified a route

Maybe I should have done more changes but I think slower is better.


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Small changes for the next test (geometry seems solid for some reason; I will keep watch on that...)
Increased time gained when A is capped from 2:30 to 4:30
Increased the respawn time for RED after A is capped from 6 to 7 second waves. (this means 7, 14, 21 instead of 6, 12, 18, 24)
Another small iteration for Short
More Textures for easier navigation and visibility
Reverted the change to RED respawn time after A was capped (5s->6s)
Reverted the change to RED's initial respawn time (5s->4s)
Moved the resupply cabinets at BLU (initial) Spawn
Changed a door at RED spawn from a normal to an animated to prevent the model clipping through the roof
Completed the set of locked doors to help prevent RED from using the flanks against BLU (hopefully)
Fixed the doors not closing when A is capped (added a NotTouching stat on the door)
Expanded the route from Right Building
Removed the one-way from Right Building
Added a Wall to Right Building to attempt to help prevent RED players from pushing into A after A is capped

Expanded the Wood Hut and added another route into Left Building
Expanded Left Building
Added another route into Left Building

Point Building (building adjacent to the point, metal textured):
Made the bottom floor of Point building sloped to allow easier access to the healthkit
Expanded the ramp of Point building to have more cover for BLU entering from below
Added a wall to the top floor of Point Building
Added a small ammo to the bottom floor of Point Building

I've noticed that at lower player counts (below 18) the map plays very well and is well balanced, but on higher counts (20+) it is too tight and cramped. This became clear with the amount of comments on feedback, 20+ had mostly above 30 comments while with low player counts it was below 20.
Also, I've been taking it slow with the updates to try and make it better more often than changing it completely and not knowing if it is better or not.


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Many changes, in detail! (most are small)
Fixed players being able to shoot through the sides of the setup doors
-This also was in the one-way doors at B, this is also fixed
More textures to help distinguish areas
Added blockbullet2 to the weird clips separating A and B
Set both RED and BLU respawn to 5 seconds at the start of the round (previous was RED: 4 BLU: 6
Added a door to the quick door exit (this stays open until all players are out; a func_nobuild is enabled once the back door is shut)
BLU spawn/A lobby:
Opened up the area immediately outside BLU spawn somewhat to have more varied gameplay
Fixed the windows at BLU spawn allowing players outside to look inside
Moved the rightward route from BLU spawn to encourage people to take the middle route instead of the flank
Raised the flank slightly
Pushed the healthkit near the middle route to help players grab it
Added a healthkit next to the small ammo near the flank, then pushed it towards the middle of the building
Simplified certain bits of terrain in an attempt for optimization
Set both RED and BLU respawn to 5 seconds at the start of the round (previous was RED: 4 BLU: 6
Added a door to the quick door exit (this stays open until all players are out; a func_nobuild is enabled once the back door is shut)
Extended the catwalk at A
Changed the Furthest flank at A to be medium ground at the end
Extra cover on the cavern at A
Fixed opening one of RED spawn's doors when at the side of the wall at A
Added a blockbullets between main B lobby and main B forward hold to prevent the same shenanigans that happened at A
Added a crate and ladder to confirm that it is intentional to stand on a roof near B (ladder is clipped with blockbullets to not eat any rockets)
Slanted a wall that was used to spam into A to push players off
Changed RED respawn to be 5 seconds instead of 6 after A is capped


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Removed Dropdown, it is now a stairwell (still gets locked out after A is capped)
Added a door to prevent players from getting into a locked out area
Added more textures to help navigation
Added a window to Right building; this is a quick route from Red's high ground to the building. It is open until A is captured. This also helps BLU look into Red's hold
Made the one-way into Left Building wall clipping unnoticable (Extended the roof next to it to conceal it completely instead of partially)
Added fence to Left Building Exit for extra cover for BLU


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I posted the vmf instead of a bsp. Third time this happened.
Originally this would have been A3, but it seems too quick to hop between versions so... A2A.
New area between A and B, includes:
-Big Door
-Left Building pushed back and extended
-Right building extended
-Dropdown on Left that closes when A is capped
Removed the constrained path from right building
Attempted some optimization changes
Doors added between new left building and A/B area to prevent confusion (hopefully)
One way doors added at left and right building
-Right building one way is open during A, and then becomes a one-way after A is capped.

Hopefully, things are better than last version with more gradual changes and better exit routes
Have Fun!


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Surprisingly, the map plays quite well! (on the parts that got played well (The Rising section and B)
Hopefully it stays this way.
Alpha 2 Changelog:
Remodeled BLU Spawn to fit the new exits
Added an extra area between BLU Spawn and Point A
Increased the respawn time for RED after A is capped by one second
Added more pickups at A to help both RED and BLU
Increased the size of routes leading into B (These are doorways and ramps)
Rebuilt the "Left" building to have more space for gameplay
Added an extra route out of Left building
Lowered the floor of the window at Left building
Nerfed the Sentry spot that locked down 2 out of 3 routes into B
Added a barrier to protect the new route at Left building and the ramp behind it from sentry spot
Re added the weird clipping at the point to prevent RED players from flanking and spamming from their high ground
Added a roof to the walkway route to prevent RED players from spamming from their high ground while A was being contested
Added an "A" decal on the top of the walkway route (this probably may not help too much but it's a start, not much you can do if the map's layout is not intuitive)

You can now see why this is a new version and not an iteration now...
Have fun!


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Alpha 1b Changelog:
BLU First Spawn moved back a bit and layout changed
BLU respawn time for capping A increased
RED respawn time for capping A decreased
RED forward spawn at A removed
That's all.
Have fun!