
Shōgatsu rc4


- Player pickups now have a soft particle effect

- Improved clipping around stuff you could get stuck on, like lanterns and ledges
- Can now no longer jump behind B banners
- Capzones are marked with red wood to improve identification

- Placeholder bell has been replaced with a proper model
- Fixed nodraw under stairs in red's B-Adjacent building
- Fixed a missing brush on red's side island that I don't know how to describe where it is
- Fixed more aggressive fades. Forever.

- Optimisation improvements w/ Yrrzy's help (attempts, anyway - it's Suijin after all)
- Fixed missing textures on resupply cabinets. This was caused by a 10-year-old typo in the materials for this prop where the filepath had a double slash. Compilepal couldn't then find the vtf and failed to pack it.
- Updated soundscapes to suit the new environment.
- Fixed waterfall having no sound. Let me know if its too loud.
- Pickups now have proper models

- Fixed the double cap zone activation bug. Now only one capzone should enable at a time.
- Increased the size of the room you spawn in a bit to improve vibes
- Added walls to the 3 central bridges to reduce dumb sniper lines
- Added some extra health packs around the place (one under A, one under B, some in side buildings)
- Reworked barriers near the spawns to block a really silly sniper line
- Bridges towards A now have solid railings. Sorry to anyone who fell through.
- B banners now glow instead of the Torii
- Reworked cliff in front of spawn to reduce the effectiveness of snipers perched up here. Plus, it looks nicer and helps with optimisation I think.
- Made some lanterns nonsolid
- Improved clipping
- Deathpit trigger now covers the whole deathpit
- Moved some healthkits around

- Fixed more aggressive fades
- Improved displacements on rock arches
- Reduced the amount of snow underwater
- Reduced texturescale on some cliffs so it looks nicer
- Added some paintings to the cave-adjacent rooms so they're not sooo empty
- Added some decorations on the tops of cliffs
- Fixed the broken skybox tree models so there are now pine trees in skybox (just a few, though)
- Fixed some questionable beams that were apparently there in release suijin??

More will be coming soon!
- Actually fixed LDR this time. Sorry.
- Added capzone particle effects
- Fixed agressive fades