
Shipyard b8

Fixed broke spawnroom doors and cabinets, plus minor clipping and texture improvements
Tired when writing this post. Basically:
-Added detail to outside areas
-Added more cover in mid

TBH I feel like mid is a bit too crowded at the moment. I think removing the shipping containers might help with that issue. Will try it out in a future version.
This beta introduces the mythical, legendary and (non-existent?) wooden beams. Beams have been added to several rooms in both bases, giving a more lively look to them. Additionally, the sewer room has seen an overhaul in looks. This should make the different rooms identifiable easily. Also the intelligence has been lifted with a platform. Hopefully this can nail down a "fake" look to the ground underneath the intelligence yard.

Additionally, the map has received a lighting overhaul. All the regular lights in the previous version are gone. Spot lights have replaced them, so the interiors wont look as flat. The environment lighting has also changed, with the angle more closer resembling the skybox sun's position (here's a secret: it's just hydro's lighting). This was my first time messing around with spot lights, so some odd looking lighting is to be expected. Don't ask me what happened with that BLU shipping container, I have no answers.

Overall this update should make the beta versions feel more "beta" than the previous versions. Several other details that I haven't mentioned are also in. One thing to note is that during the middle of making this beta, I researched more images of shipyards for reference. I found a couple of things that peaked my interest, so expect some changes to the background details.

Either way I'm happy to get beta 2 out of the way for another playtest, need some more feedback.
The map has finally reached a state of gameplay that I believe would be satisfactory for a beta release. As such I'm putting this map into beta. Yes, you heard me: BETA. Although there are definitely some issues to be ironed out that I haven't discovered yet, it's looking that this layout is going to last for the rest of this map's development. So now is a good time to start working on the art of Shipyard.

Now I'm still not fully sure on how I want to handle the aesthetics of the map. I know I want something similar to Foundry with more sun. However I still don't understand how TF2 buildings are "built" to a great degree, so most of the art is basic texture placement. No props has been added yet, still want some feedback on the overall style before adding finer details.
I also want to try incorporating hidden areas above and below the map later down the line, such as the intelligence being on a lifted platform with a Spytech base underneath. Something more to convey that both teams are fighting for more than giant hunks of metal that float.

It's honestly crazy this map that I started as a Team Fortress: Source 2 project to learn the engine ended up becoming an actual map in beta. Might do a sort of "museum" of sorts later because there are WAY MORE versions that haven't been shown outside of Source 2.
And unfortunately for this build, there are no ships. Cry.

-Basic artpass all over the map.
-Changed position of the big ramp that leads towards the spawns.
-Changed those giant blocky walls to a transparent fence
-Fixed Blu's resupply cabinets and one-way door
-Removed some of the supports in the ground tunnel
This might possibly be the last big alpha version before I start putting the map into beta. So it's mostly polishing up some areas and making it seem more logical for an artpass.

-Overhauled geometry, especially on the roofs.
-The u-turn hallway and sewer room's floors have been raised to flatten the overall structure.
-The spawn-side streets of the bases have restructured
-A little bit more detailing on some areas
-Removed some out of bounds elements (wasn't satisfied with the ships especially; no more ships)
-Reduced the amounts of crates
-Miscellaneous things that were changed but are so minor I don't want to write it out, figure it out yourself
-Changed up the layout of spawns, adding a new exit
-Added some stuff in mid
-Intel yard changes
-Added a new sign pointing to the intel yard

Probably going to re-do the blockout for an artpass later down the line, just need to polish up the core gameplay experience. Geometry is likely not going to be representative of how I want the map to turn out.
-Added clips
-Removed the pit in the room adjacent to the balcony hallway
-Pushed spawn points backwards in hopes it will help players notice the 3rd exit
-Changed the medium health kits in mid to small health kits
-Fixed a crate that was missing on one team's base
-Removed the walls from spawn's intel exit
-Added some walls in mid to block an absurd sightline
-Added crates to allow easier access to the containers in mid
-Fixed the visible (invisible) nodraw texture in the dry tunnels
-Added a one-way door between the dump truck and water passageway room so escapes are harder
-Expanded out of bounds areas for detail
-Generally opened up areas aesthetically
-After multiple alphas in development, ships have been added