SFM: Eternal War

Past 72hr Jam Entry SFM: Eternal War 2016-07-29

Pretty good. Could use some lighting work in my opinion
Thanks for the feedback! ;)
I tend to use darker colors in all my Posters so that is why its a bit dark.
I love this image! There's a lot of character in it, and a real sense of story. I think the background is a little bit bare though - perhaps change the angle to show off more of that tangle of buildings and less of the rock wall.
Thanks for the review!

Yea, I should have went for a better background. But to the left about two feet away was another rock wall. I should have chosen a better place to set up the picture, but in the end, I'd say this is my best SFM Poster I've made.

(I'm still learning SFM)

Thanks again! :)